
  • 网络Historical remains of earthquake
  1. 本文展示部分地震遗迹照片和收集到的GPS观测资料,分析讨论了这次地震的震前震后地壳形变特征。

    In this paper , we show some photos of the earthquake remains and GPS data , and make a discussion on the characteristics of the crustal deformation before and after the earthquake .

  2. 大箐梁子一带有着众多明显的古地震遗迹。

    There are numerous obvious remains of ancient earthquake along the Daqing-ridge .

  3. 天津平原全新世古地震遗迹初探

    A preliminary study of Holocene earthquake remains in Tianjin plain

  4. 渡口市场是在地震遗迹上重建起来的。

    The Ferry Building Marketplace was reborn on the ruins of disaster .

  5. 云南大理地区发现古地震遗迹

    Trace of the ancient earthquakes found in the Dali region of Yunnan Province

  6. 天山古地震遗迹

    The ancient earthquake traces in Tianshan region

  7. 韩城断裂的活动特征及断裂带古地震遗迹的初步研究

    Preliminary study of the characteristics of the activity of Hancheng fault and earthquake vestiges near the fault

  8. 文中将这些古地震遗迹分为四期,并计算了该断层带的地震复发周期和平均位移速率。

    These paleoearthquake traces are divided into four events whose recurrence intervals and slip rates are evaluated .

  9. 本文介绍了京津唐地区内埋藏在全新世地层中的一次古地震遗迹和构造变形。

    The traces and tectonic deformations of palaeoearthquake event hurried in Holocene strata in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area have been studied in this paper .

  10. 第四纪松散沉积物中的活断层滑动面是重要的古地震遗迹,也是鉴定古地震事件和确定古地震时代的重要标志。

    Active faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments are important indicators to determine paleoearthquake events . It is comprised mainly of loose sediments .

  11. 福建莆田海岸距今2855年的大震及华南海岸带的古地震遗迹

    The Large Earthquake on Coast of Putian , Fujian 2855 Years BP and Ancient Earthquake Traces Along Coastal Zones of South China

  12. 变奏曲&重庆市大田湾体育场片区改造规划设计渡口市场是在地震遗迹上重建起来的。

    Reconstruction Planning Design of Chongqing Da Tian Wan Sports Stadium Estate The Ferry Building Marketplace was reborn on the ruins of disaster .

  13. 活断裂带上古地震遗迹的发掘也印证了全新世以来该断裂经历了多次强地震活动。

    From the digging of paleoearthquake trace along the active fault zone , we can prove that it is really a place of multiple earthquakes .

  14. 在断裂带上发现可靠的古地震遗迹。此外,为了使断层活动性评定做到定量化,作者还提出了断层活动度概念。

    Besides , the author proposes the conception of the activity degree of fault , which is applied to a quantitative criteria for evaluating fault activity .

  15. 与此同时,本文还研究了沿断裂带分布的一系列古地震遗迹,指出:韩城断裂自晚更新世末期以来至少发生过一次6&7级以上的破坏性地震。

    There are a lot of earthquake vestiges along the fault reflecting that there at least occurred one large earthquake with magnitude greater than 6-7 since the end of late Pleistocene .

  16. 山西临汾1695年大地震的遗迹及其有关问题讨论

    Vestige of the strong Linfen earthquake of 1695 , Shanxi Province , and discussion of some associated problems

  17. 像郭奕一样,许多人来看去年五月这场地震的遗迹,作为受破坏最严重的地区之一,都江堰景区直到去年九月份才重新对外开放。

    Like Guo Yi , many people have come to witness the traces that the earthquake made last May . As one of the worst quake-hit areas , the Dujiangyan scenic spot was closed off to the public until last September .

  18. 破坏典型地震遗址、遗迹的。

    Destroying typical earthquake ruins or sites .

  19. 典型地震遗址、遗迹的保护,应当列入地震灾区的重建规划。

    The protection of typical earthquake ruins and sites shall be incorporated into plans for the reconstruction of the earthquake - stricken areas .

  20. 沿安宁河断裂带小相岭段发现了古地震的地表破裂遗迹。

    Surface rupture traces of several large paleoearthquakes are found along the Xiaoxiangling Mountain segment of the Anninghe fault zone .

  21. 这与本区黄土地震滑坡的分布范围、全新世活动断裂的展布及地震破裂带遗迹的分布相吻合。

    It is consistent with the area of ancient towns distribution , loess landslides distribution , Holocene active fault and the earthquake rupture zone .