
  1. 民营胶园分布在我省南部8个地州(市)的25个县(市),16个民族3O多万劳动力从事此项工作。

    The rubber plantations distribute in 25 counties , 8 states ( cities ) south of Yunnan .

  2. 其实施范围涵我省13个地州市66个县区17个森工企业,总面积24026万hm2。

    The range of the project with the total area of 24.026 million hm ~ 2 covers 13 prefectures , 66 counties and 17 forestry enterprises .

  3. 利用BEA公司MessageQ通信中间件保障各地州采集数据的可靠传输。

    By using BEA 's Message communication middleware , the system ensures the reliable data transmission of the collected data from each district and county .

  4. 分析国内大、中型化工企业的设计部门和省、市、地州中、小型设计院(所)CAD应用现状;提出这些设计单位如何构造本部门CAD网络、加快CAD应用的解决方案。

    The authors analyze CAD application situations in middle / small design department of medium / large scale enterprises , and design institutes at provincial and municipal levels , and comment on how to configurate the CAD network for these institutes to speed up CAD application .

  5. 在研究国内公路运输行业管理MIS设计与开发方案的基础上,结合湖南省公路运输行业管理的特点和实际,设计与实现了省级、地州市级和县级行业管理广域网下的MIS。

    On the basis of studying the practice and characteristics of Hunan vocational road transportation management , an overall framework of management system is presented and the MIS , by means of WAN connecting province , city and country , is designed and realized .

  6. 中国移动1999年开始搭建GPRS试验网,目前中国移动GPRS网络覆盖了全国200多个大中城市,云南移动GPRS网络第1期工程已经覆盖了8个地州,近期内将逐步扩大。

    GPRS experiment network was set up by China mobile communication in 1999 . At present , China mobile GPRS net has covered more 200 provincial and middle cities in China . GPRS network in Yunnan has covered 8 areas and is enlarging its mobile terminals gradually .

  7. 应用EOF分析方法、小波分析方法及云南16个地州代表站1961~2002年共42年逐日降水量资料,对云南雨季开始期的空间分布、时间演变及多尺度周期变化等特征进行了诊断研究。

    Applying EOF method , Morlet Wavelet Method and 42-year precipitation data of 16 representative stations in Yunnan province daily from 1961 to 2002 to research the spatial distribution , temporal evolution and multi-scale period of the rainy season onset time of Yunnan Province .

  8. 一个印第安那家庭向当地州政府和运动协会扔了一个混合球,14岁的女孩LogenYang希望在没有任何先决条件的情况下加入男子棒球队,遭到州政府的拒绝,这个女孩的父母提起法律诉讼。

    Baseball lawsuit Young girl sues to play on boys ' team An Indiana team 's family is throwing the state and Athletic Association a coed ball , 14-year-old Logen Yang wants to try out for the boys ' baseball team without any preconditions , a state rule says she can 't , so her parents filed a lawsuit .

  9. 采用Nagamine等(1991)法研究了598份云南稻核心种质在稻作区划间、地州间苗期耐冷性强弱、变异程度及其地理生态差异。

    S : Eco-geographic difference , grade and variation of cold tolerance at seeding stage 598 accessions core collection from prefectures and rice regions zone in Yunnan rice were identified using Nagamine et al ( 1991 ) under 5 ° C low temperature condition .

  10. 新疆主要旅游资源的地州际比较研究

    Study on the Main Tourism Resources Comparison Among Prefectures of Xinjiang

  11. 新疆十五地州市旅游业投资环境评价分析

    Analysis on the tourism investment environment of Xinjiang ′ s 15 state cities

  12. 20年来新疆地州区域经济差异动态分析

    Dynamic analysis on the regional economic difference in Xinjiang since recent 20 years

  13. 新疆地州区域产业结构转换综合评价与分析

    Transformation of Regional Industrial Structure of Prefecture-level in Xinjiang

  14. 关于四川省第三届青少年运动会各市地州奖励政策的调查研究

    Survey on the Local Governments ' Award Policies for the 3rd Sichuan Adolescent Games

  15. 经济水平低也是影响各个地州支出结构的一个显著因素。

    Low level of economy is also a significant factor on government expenditure structure .

  16. 地州院校形势与政策课教学改革的思考

    Some Thoughts about Teaching Reform of Current Situation and Policy in the Local College

  17. 地州公共图书馆信息化建设的现状与对策探讨

    The Status Quo of the Information-based Construction of Regional Public Libraries and the Measures

  18. 在清代由于卫所逐渐被裁撤,军犯一般都发配到各地州县,直接由地方上管理。

    These prisoners are generally banished to parts of counties , directly by local management .

  19. 新疆扩大内需下的金融支持地州经济发展研究

    On the Financial Support for Regional Economic Development in the Expanding Domestic Needs in Xinjiang

  20. 乌鲁木齐等五地州市旅游开发研究

    A Study of the Development of Tourism of Tourism of the Five Cities including Urumqi

  21. 经济的内部差异主要来源于十五地州之间,从根本上反映为县市之间的差异。

    The difference is from fifteen areas , and the origin is from eighty-seven counties .

  22. 第三章分析了地州市高等职业院校发展问题的原因。

    The third chapter analyzes the obstructions in the development of the higher vocational institutions .

  23. 外国人:大卫.杰克逊,从亚利桑妖娆地州凤凰城来。

    David Jackson from Phoenix , Arizona .

  24. 地州市领导科学决策的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Scientific Decision

  25. 增强亲和力是地州市党报应对媒体竞争的必然选择,也是媒体不断增强核心竞争力的客观要求。

    Affinity is the only choice and objective demand the local Party Daily makes in media competition .

  26. 可见从地州出发,云南省区域协调发展的差异较大。

    Therefore , starting from the ground state , differences of Yunnan Province region coordinated development is big .

  27. 对于地州级烟草公司而言,需要根据预测周期的长短选择合适的预测模型。

    It is necessary to level cities Tobacco Company choosing a suitable forecast model according to forecast cycle .

  28. 全疆部分地州市相继开展了旅游资源普查和旅游业发展规划工作。

    Most prefecture of Xinjiang has carried on the investigation of tourism resources and planning of tourism industry development .

  29. 截止到目前,滇西南保山、怒江、德宏、临沧四地州唯一的一家国际青年旅舍。

    Until now , it is the only international youth hostel in Baoshan , Nujiang , Dehong and Lincang .

  30. 第二章论述了地州市高等职业院校发展中存在的问题。

    The second chapter discusses the problems of the development of the higher vocational institutions in prefectures and cities .