
  1. 完成了参数化设计和荷载结构法计算,正在开发地层结构法计算功能。

    Modules of parameterized design and Load-Structure calculation are completed .

  2. 介绍了结构荷载模型以及地层结构法各自的理论依据。

    It introduces the theoretical basis of . structure-load method and ground-structure method .

  3. 隧道衬砌结构计算方法有荷载结构法和地层结构法。

    The design types of tunnel lining include loading structure method and stratum structure method .

  4. 而后利用地层结构法模拟隧道的分步开挖以及支护,分析隧道衬砌在各个阶段时的受力情况。

    Then by ground-structure method , it simulates steps of tunnel excavation and support , and carries out analysis of tunnel lining in every stage .

  5. 本文从计算理论分析入手,采用地层结构法与荷载结构法对典型隧道计算分析,建立荷载结构法与地层结构法连续介质计算模型间的联系。

    Started with analysis the theory of calculation , the load-structure method and the layer-structure method have been used to compute internal force of the typical tunnels , and then the relationship between load-structure method and layer-structure method has been founded .

  6. 通过地质分析及实践,选用地层结构趋势外延法和声波测井曲线法计算了研究区的地层剥蚀量,并在此基础之上,对原型盆地进行了恢复。

    The denudation amount of the formation is calculated by strata trend extending method and sonic-logging curve method , and base on this , the primitive basins are recovered .