
  1. 你在公寓经营地下赌场。

    You 're running an illegal casino out of your apartment .

  2. 然而,从目前情况看,地下赌场似乎仍占上风。

    For the moment , however , underground bookies seem to have the upper hand .

  3. 它们希望以此将彩民从地下赌场或海外赌场引开,并为一些社会项目筹措资金。

    Their hope is to draw players away from underground and overseas casinos and generate funds for social programmes .

  4. 新增加了两个玩家可以探索的Cadwallon的地下城房间:赌场和魔法书屋!

    Expand your exploration of the dungeons of Cadwallon with two new rooms : The Gambling Den and the Scriptorium !