
  • Yamaguchi-gumi
  1. 臭名昭著的犯罪团伙山口组(Yamaguchi-gumi)总部位于神户,山口组成员往往率先抵达受灾现场,分发食物、毛毯和水,因此颇受赞誉。

    Members of the Yamaguchi-gumi , the notorious crime syndicate that has its headquarters in Kobe , won much acclaim by often arriving first at the scene to hand out food , blankets and water .

  2. 在筱田入狱前,他曾说过想搞定其他团伙来扩大山口组势力。

    Before he went to jail , Shinoda is said to have greatly expanded the Yamaguchi-gumi 's reach by sealing deals with other gangs .

  3. 山口组(YamaguchiGuri)收入:800亿美元

    Yamaguchi Guri & Revenue : $ 80 billion

  4. 对伊藤的谋杀暗示了山口组的绝望而不是其实力。

    Mr Ito 's murder hints at yakuza desperation more than strength .

  5. 如果当权派继续这样我行我素的话,右翼团体将会和山口组一样深陷麻烦之中。

    If the establishment carries on like this , the uyoku dantai will be in as much trouble as the yakuza .

  6. 上白垩统青山口组、姚家组和嫩江组一段是松辽盆地最主要的含油层系,习惯上称之为中部含油组合。

    Strata from the Qingshankou Formation to the1 st member of the Nenjiang Formation of the Upper Cretaceous are the main oil-bearing rocks in the Songliao Basin .

  7. 松辽盆地下白垩统青山口组、姚家组、嫩江组含油层段为这种油气藏的一个典型实例。

    The oil-bearing interval of Qingshankou , Yaojia , and Nenjiang ( QYN ) formations in the Songliao Basin may be illustrated as one typical example of subtle oil reservoir .

  8. 尽管近年来日本政府大力打击极道,但这种集权化的结构使得山口组可以轻易攫取大量财富。

    Even with the Japanese government cracking down on Yakuza in recent years , this centralized structure has made it easy to attribute a massive amount of revenue to this single gang .

  9. 1995年,在神户发生地震后,山口组团伙是当地行动最快的,他们很快将救灾物资送到灾区并将物品发给当地的民众。

    In1995 , after the Kobe earthquake , the Yamaguchi-gumi was one of the most responsive forces on the ground , quickly getting supplies to the affected areas and distributing them to the local people .

  10. 全球已知的最大黑帮名为山口组,它与其他几个日本团伙被统称为日本极道,意思类似于美国的黑手党。

    The largest known gang in the world is called the Yamaguchi Guri , one of several groups collectively referred to in Japan as Yakuza , a term that is roughly equivalent to the American use of mafia .