
  • 网络feudal service
  1. 中国劳工通讯的郭展睿(GeoffreyCrothall)表示,新闻媒体对打车软件的关注掩盖了中国出租车司机的主要困扰:那些唯利是图的出租车公司经常收取巨额份子钱,让司机辛苦挣来的钱所剩无几。

    Geoffrey Crothall of China Labor Bulletin said the news media 's focus on ride-hailing apps obscured the main complaint of the Chinese taxi drivers : that rapacious fleet companies charge onerous rental fees that leave drivers with little to show for their toil .

  2. 许多朋友和陌生人都纷纷拿出了份子钱,景区甚至免费借给他们做场地。

    Many of their friends and strangers chipped in , and the scenic spot even offered the venue for free .
