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  • absichtsdelikte
  1. 目的犯为故意犯罪的一种,因其主观构成要素的一定特殊性,即具有两个主观要素,这使其与一般故意犯罪有别。

    As a kind of intentional crimes , absichtsdelikte is different from other common intentional crimes because of particularity on its subjective inscape in which it has two subjective elements .

  2. 在此基础上对我国刑法中的目的犯之目的进行探讨,认为目的犯之目的并不是犯罪目的,而是犯罪动机,目的犯实质上是动机犯。

    Investigating into the purpose of absichtsdelikte in the Penal Code on this basis , the author thinks that the purpose of absichtsdelikte is not the crime purpose , but the criminal motivation .

  3. 目的犯之目的,不是犯罪故意的内容。

    The special motive is not content of the criminal intention .

  4. 论对目的犯之教唆和帮助行为泰国宏观经济政策决策分析

    On the Action of Instigator and Assistant Thailand 's Macroeconomic Policymaking

  5. 第四章目的犯的目的&犯罪故意的特别要素探讨的是目的犯中的特别目的。

    This chapter is to study criminal purpose in purposive crime .

  6. 目的犯是刑法学中的一类特定犯罪形态。

    Crime with purpose is a special kind of conformation of crime .

  7. 论金融诈骗罪的罪过形式&以目的犯基本理论为思考路径

    On The Culpability Form Of Crime Of Financial Fraud

  8. 目的犯的犯罪形态研究

    Research on the Patterns of the Intent Crime

  9. 论目的犯的目的本质

    On the nature of purpose for purported criminals

  10. 此时,目的犯概念的提出尚不具备充足的理论基础。

    At this time , the proposal of intent crime have not adequate theoretical basis .

  11. 目的犯研究

    Researches on the Crime Needed Further Intention

  12. 目的犯的目的是具有刑法意义的观念上的危害结果;

    The purpose of a purported criminal is to produce the result of jeopardizing o the rs.

  13. 目的犯相关问题的研究

    Research on Crime with Purpose

  14. 我国刑法界历来认为目的犯的犯罪目的是超过客观因素的主观因素。

    The intention is regarded as a subjective factor , which is in excess of objective factors .

  15. 中国刑法中的典型的法定目的犯&描述、追问与评价

    Discussion of Typical Legal Purpose Crimes in Chinese Criminal Law & Describe , question closely and evaluate

  16. 根据不同的标准对目的犯进行分类,有助于我们深化对目的犯的认识。

    Classifying intent crime according to different standards helps us to deepen our understanding about intent crime .

  17. 分析了非法行医罪也是一种非法定目的犯。

    The author proposed that the crime of illegal medical practice is also an non-statutory offence to intent .

  18. 第一方面介绍了目的犯的概念、目的犯中目的的实质。

    The first aspect introduced the crime with purpose the concept , the purpose violate the purpose essence .

  19. 目的犯概念随着主观要素在犯罪构成中确立地位才得以提出。

    The concept of intent crime was proposed when the subjective element established its status in criminal constitution .

  20. 介绍贿赂罪应为目的犯&兼谈受贿罪的犯罪目的

    Between-bribery Crime Should be Taken as Object-oriented Crime & also Taken about the Object-Oriented Crime and Bride Crime

  21. 第二部分廓清了界定目的犯概念的一些基础性问题。

    The second part of the article clarifies some basic issues of the concept of crime with purpose .

  22. 首先,笔者介绍了大陆法系目的犯理论的历史沿革。

    First , I introduce the historical development of the theory of intent crime in continental law system .

  23. 绑架罪作为目的犯,具有双重目的,不同的目的在刑法上具有不同的性质。

    Crime of kidnapping , being absichtsdelikte , has dual " purposes " with different characters in criminal law .

  24. 第二方面,从本质意义上去阐述目的犯的三大特征。

    The second aspect comes up three big characteristics which from the essential significance the elaboration crime with purpose .

  25. 也就是说,挪用公款罪并非一种单纯的目的犯,其主观过错也同样包括间接故意,从而消弥了实践中对这一问题的误解。

    The author provides that the subjective aspect of the crime includes not only actual intent but also indirect intent .

  26. 目的犯中目的规定的模糊性使得其具有一些固有的弱点,所以,应当限制其应用范围。

    The proscription of the intention in offence of intention is blurring , so we should restrict its scope of application .

  27. 从有限的论著可以看出,我国对目的犯的研究尚欠缺深度。

    From the limited works we can see that the study on crime with purpose is not satisfactory in our country .

  28. 关于目的犯之目的的本质,学者们之间存在目的论与动机论之争。

    About the essence of intent crime , whether it is motivation or purpose of crime is a dispute between scholars .

  29. 文章认为,目的犯的本质是行为由于具有特定犯罪目的而产生的严重社会危害性。

    The article maintained that the nature of crime with purpose is a serious social harm because of the specific purpose .

  30. 笔者提出了我国刑法目的犯的立法缺陷并提出了相关的立法建议。

    At last , I put forward some legislative defects about Chinese legislative regulation of intent crime and suggest related legislative proposals .