
  • 网络Target keywords;targeted keywords
  1. 通过对搜索品牌名称,竞争对手,目标关键词来研究并确定关联的话题。

    Research to determine relevancy by searching for brand name , competitors , and target keywords .

  2. 视频文件的名称、页面的标题和标签添加你的目标关键词。

    3-Use your targeted keywords in the video â s file name , title , and in the tags where it is appropriate .

  3. 可以根据页面在目标关键词的SERP中的位置来判断Google给予哪些页面高排名。

    You can determine which pages Google ranks highly by the positions they have in the SERPs for the keywords the pages are targeting .

  4. 如果没有人搜索您的目标关键词,那么站点在搜索引擎的排名再高也没有意义。

    If no one is searching for your targeted keywords , it won 't matter how highly the site is ranked in the search engines .

  5. 在展现过程中,要注意将设计方案根据目标和关键词来情境化,并描述每个方向的基本道理,以及它们各自的优点。这些都很重要。

    It 's important to contextualize them in terms of these goals and keywords , and to describe the rationale for each direction and its relative merits .

  6. 只有不断地开展股票期权的实证分析与研究,才能完善股票期权的理论,也才有可能促进股票期权理论为解决企业的现实问题服务,这才是本文所追求的终极目标。关键词:激励;

    Only through continuous empirical study and research of ESOP , can we further improve the theory of EOSP and then apply it to solve the enterprise 's particular problems .

  7. 关键词法就是创建了目标词和关键词的视觉关联。

    The Keyword Method exactly constructs an imagery link between the target word and the keyword .

  8. 正确的目标市场定位由关键词、广告文本、及语言和国家选择等方面的设置来完成的。

    Effective targeting is accomplished through keywords , ad text , and language and country targeting settings .

  9. 这一阶段的主要目标是依据种子关键词设计广告关键词扩展模型,以扩展出大量的与种子关键词相关的候选竞价关键词集合。

    The main task of this stage is to design the model of advertising keyword expansion and generate plenty of candidate bidding keywords which are related to seed keywords .

  10. 而很多情况下,人们并不能准确描述所要搜索的目标,给出描述同一目标的关键词也可能找不到满意结果。

    Many cases , people can not accurately describe the goal to search for given key words describing the same goal could not find satisfactory results .