
  1. 采用ASK调制的波分复用系统中滤波器带宽的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Bandwidth of a F P Filter in ASK Modulation WDM Transmission Systems

  2. 提出了采用幅移键控(ASK)调制的波分复用(WDM)系统中光滤波器带宽的优化设计问题。

    An optimized design of bandwidth of a F P filter in ASK modulation WDM transmission systems is studied in this paper .

  3. 激光器线宽及F-P滤波器带宽对密集波分复用系统串扰的影响

    Influence of LD Linewidth and F P Filter Bandwidth on Crosstalk in HD WDM Systems

  4. 单模光纤声光滤波器带宽特性的研究

    Study on Bandwidth Characteristics of AOTF Based on Single Mode Fibers

  5. 一种静磁表面波滤波器带宽控制的有效方法

    An Effective Way to Control the Bandwidth of Magnetostatic Surface Wave Filter

  6. 上行干扰条件下软限幅转发器中滤波器带宽的影响

    Effect of Filter Bandwidth in Soft-limiting Transponder with Uplink Interference

  7. 陶瓷滤波器带宽系列化的研究

    Research on Bandwidth Series of Ceramic Filters

  8. 研究了在上行干扰条件下软限幅卫星转发器中滤波器带宽对系统性能的影响。

    The effect of filter bandwidth in soft limiting satellite transponder with uplink interference is studied .

  9. 理论上,调谐范围只受掺铒光纤增益和滤波器带宽的限制。

    Theoretically , the tunable range is confined only by erbium doped fiber gain and filter bandwidth .

  10. 超窄的滤波器带宽使得这种激光器的带宽特性优于其他一些基于半导体光放大器的激光器。

    The lasing oscillation shows a narrower bandwidth than SOA-based multi-wavelength fiber lasers utilizing some other kinds of wavelength selective components .

  11. 在保证频谱细化要求下,此改进算法可根据参数选择运算量最小的滤波器带宽和选抽比。

    The improved algorithm selects the band width and down sampling ratio with the shortest computation time in accordance with the parameters .

  12. 进行记录零线修正时,根据不同的背景噪音特性,由计算机软件自动选定最佳滤波器带宽。

    At the stage of baseline correction , the noise-free band is determined by noise background of the digitization system and digital recording system .

  13. 本文推导了扩频接收机检波前信噪比与接收端带通滤波器带宽等参数的关系,并进行了相应的数值分析。

    This paper presents the expression of signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) before detection and the parameters such as the band-pass filter 's bandwidth and so on in spread-spectrum receivers .

  14. 分析了环路各个部件对系统输出相位噪声的影响,使用行为模型进行仿真,证明了优化环路滤波器带宽能够使系统相位噪声达到最佳。

    The impact of the noise from loop components on the PLL phase noise is presented . The results from simulation by behavioral models prove the system can achieve minimum phase noise by optimizing the loop filter bandwidth .

  15. 本装置共有24个数据采集通道,可以同时接收来自6个矢量水听器的数据,并且可以通过光纤对每个水听器单独进行远程控制,配置其接收增益和滤波器带宽。

    The experiment equipment has 24 gathering data channels and can sample the signals from six transducers simultaneously . Every channel can be controlled by optical fiber in distance , through which can alter the plus and filter band of the receiver .

  16. 本文的主要工作有:(1)对UHFRFID协议进行了分析,明确了运用在UHFRFID单芯片读写器模拟基带滤波器的带宽指标。

    UHF RFID protocols are analysed , and the bandwidth of analog baseband filters used on UHF RFID single-chip reader is identified . 2 .

  17. 文中讨论了以MSK调制技术结合预调滤波器提高带宽效率的系统构建方案。

    To increase the bandwidth efficiency , such a system scheme use the MSK modulation method combining with a premodulation filter .

  18. 最后,指出在存在码间干抗与加性高斯噪声的情况下,为减小系统的误码率,解调器前窄带滤波器的带宽(双边)B≈1.2/Tb。

    Finally , in order to decrease the error performances of whole system , the authors point oub that under the circumstances of intersymbol interference and additive Gaussian noise , the bandwidth ( double-side ) of narrowband filter before demodulator is B ≈ 1.2/T_b .

  19. 介绍了一种带宽可调的二阶低通开关电容滤波器,带宽调节范围为100~500Hz,调节精度约为100Hz。

    A second-order low-pass switched-capacitor filter is presented , which has a tunable bandwidth ranging from 100 Hz to 500 Hz with a step of 100 Hz .

  20. 在应力调谐的过程中,带通滤波器的带宽和通带的幅度几乎不变,并且对温度不敏感。

    The transmission and the bandwidth of the bandpass filter maintain unchanged during the tuning process , and is also temperature insensitive .

  21. 根据静磁表面波的各向异性色散与传输基本理论,建立了静磁表面波带通滤波器的带宽控制模型。

    The bandwidth controlling model of magneto-static surface wave ( MSSW ) band-pass filter is established based on the theory of anisotropy dispersion and transmission .

  22. 其中接收系统中滤波器的带宽的大小不仅对后向散射起到抑制作用,而且对目标信号产生抑制作用。

    The bandwidth of the filter in the receiving system doesn 't only suppress the backscattering , it also has a suppression effect on the target signal .

  23. 在此基础上设计了含陷波滤波器、带宽相对较低的支承系统,以改善其局部频率特性,消除静电力矩引起的转速衰减。

    The suspension system was then redesigned with a lower bandwidth including a notch filter to improve its partial frequency response and to eliminate the speed attenuation aroused by the electrostatic torque .

  24. 当发射端滤波器相对带宽大于等于0.8时,接收端滤波器最优相对带宽与发射端滤波器相对带宽无关。

    When the filter relative bandwidth of the transmitters is not less than 0.8 , the optimum relative bandwidth in the receivers is independent of the band-pass filter 's bandwidth of transmitters .

  25. 交指型微波滤波器具有带宽适应范围大,制作成本低等优点,被广泛应用于电子,通信等领域,对其进行小型化研究对于提高微波滤波器的集成度,降低生产成本有非常重要的意义。

    The interdigital microstrip filters with bandwidth to adapt to large scope , as well as the advantages of lower production costs , are used in electronics , telecommunications and other areas widely .

  26. 如果采用传统的算法和结构进行跟踪,那么要想保持锁定就必须增加环路滤波器的带宽,但是这样会使进入环路的噪声增大,造成跟踪环失锁。

    If the traditional structure and algorithms are used to track the signal , it must increase loop bandwidth to remain locked . But this would increase the loop noise which can also cause the tracking loop losing lock .

  27. 大规模集成是光电子器件的发展方向,密集波分复用技术的发展也对滤波器的带宽提出了严格的要求,随着这两个技术的发展,半导体微腔窄带滤波器也迅速发展起来。

    Integration is the developing direction of optoelectronic devices , and the development of DWDM technology also calls for narrow bandwidth filter . With the development of these two technologies , semiconductor micro-cavity narrow bandwidth filter is in great need .

  28. 通过叉指耦合线来调节滤波器的带宽,实现超宽带特性;用矩形环谐振器改变滤波器表面电流流向,增大滤波器带外抑制能力,调节滤波器的插入损耗和反射损耗,改善通带性能。

    The interdigital coupled lines were used to adjust the tilter bandwidth for achieving ultra-wideband characteristics ; Through the rectangular ring resonator change the filter surface current flow , increase the out-band inhibiting ability , adjust the filter insertion loss and return loss , improve the passband performance .

  29. 晶体滤波器的3dB带宽

    DB Bandwidth of The Crystal Filter

  30. 通过耦合GRIN透镜和扩束增大探测臂的回光收集率,以及采用带通滤波器限制系统带宽,进一步提高了系统灵敏度。

    The sensitivity of the system can be further improved through coupling GRIN lens , expanding beam to increase the collecting efficiency of return light on detection arm and limiting the system bandwidth by use of bandpass filter .