
  • 网络total variation
  1. 针对逆问题求解时的不适定性以及成像分辨率较低的问题,采用基于总变差(TotalVariation,TV)正则化的图像重建算法。

    In order to solve ill-posed problem and poor resolution in EIT , a new image reconstruction algorithm based on total variation regularization is adopted .

  2. 针对由少量角度的投影数据重建CT图像的问题,提出了一种改进的基于图像总变差最小的迭代重建算法。

    To solve the ill-posed problem in electrical capacitance tomography ( ECT ), a new image reconstruction algorithm based on total variation ( TV ) regularization is proposed .

  3. 给出总变差(TV,TotalVariation)正则化的两种改进模型。

    Two improved models of the TV ( total variation ) regularization are presented .

  4. 高压SF6断路器总变差减小方法流场求解研究

    Investigation on flow field computing of high voltage sf_6 circuit breaker using the total variation diminishing scheme

  5. 通过选用二阶总变差减小(TVD)格式,很好地捕捉到了障碍物前方的激波。

    The total variation diminish ( TVD ) scheme was used to capture the shock ahead the scoop .

  6. 并且数据项使用稳健估计的L1范数,规则项采用边缘保持的总变差项。

    Robust estimation form of L1 norm is used in data terms and the regularized terms use total variation of optic flows with edge preserving property .

  7. 采用有限体积法和Harten推导出来的TVD(英文totalvariationdiminishing的简写,即总变差减少)格式求解轴对称欧拉方程的方法对隧道出口的微压波现象进行了模拟。

    The finited volume method and a total variation diminishing ( TVD ) numerical scheme were used to solve the axisymmetric Euler equation , which was utilized to simulate the micro-pressure wave .

  8. 显式、二阶精度、总变差下降(TVD)有限体积格式解无粘、可压缩气体流动方程组。

    An explicit , second-order accurate , total variation diminishing ( TVD ) scheme in finite volume form is employed to solve inviscid , compressible aerodynamics equations .

  9. 其基本方法是,采用Euler法描述流体动力学方程,利用水平集方法捕捉多介质流的运动边界,通过高分辨率、高精度的总变差递减(TVD)格式求解欧拉方程。

    In detail , the Level Set method is used to capture the interface and the high-resolution Total Variation Diminishing ( TVD ) is adopted to solve the Euler equations for inviscid and compressible fluid .

  10. 利用Taylor级数理论和总变差减小(TVD)格式的充分条件构造了时间二阶、空间五点三阶和四阶新TVD格式。

    New five point total variation diminishing ( TVD ) schemes with third and fourth order accuracy in space and second order accuracy in time were constructed by applying the Taylor series theory and the TVD sufficient conditions .

  11. 气流场数值分析;高压断路器;总变差减小方法;

    CFD ; high voltage circuit breaker ; the total variation diminishing scheme ;

  12. 基于加权范数迭代算法的总变差正则化图像复原方法

    An Iteratively Reweighted Norm Algorithm for Image Restoration Based on Total Variation Regularization

  13. 基于总变差的图像放大和增强方法

    Total Variation Based Image Enlargement and Enhancement

  14. 基于模糊距离总变差的模糊识别模型及径流预报应用

    Model of Fuzzy Recognition Based on Fuzzy Distance ′ s Total Variation and Runoff Forecasting

  15. 结合数据的模糊划分得到的总变差,提出了二个新的聚类有效性标准。

    Two new clustering validity functions are proposed using partition coefficient combined with total variation in fuzzy-partition .

  16. 组合型总变差不增格式在溃坝流动计算中的比较

    Comparative Study Using Hybrid Type of Total Variation Diminishing ( TVD ) Schemes for Computation of Dam-Break Flows

  17. 由于采用对偶变量表示总变差项,克服了基于传统总变差计算需引入小规则参数的问题,并提高了计算精度。

    The dual variables for total variation terms avoid using small regularizing parameters in classic total variation terms and improve accuracy .

  18. 新的融合框架解决了总变差模型在图像融合过程会出现块状效应的问题,也克服了多尺度分解框架对于噪声抑制能力较差的弱点。

    The proposed framework solves the massive effect that occurs during the fusion process with TV model while overcomes the weakness of poor noisy suppression in the multi-scale framework .

  19. 该算法采用共轭梯度法求图像总变差最小,并在迭代过程中应用了多分辨迭代技术。

    In the algorithm , conjugate gradient method is applied to solve the minimization of the image total variation ( TV ), and multi-resolution iterative technique is used in the iteration process .

  20. 主要得出以下结论:(1)总体来看,回归模型的判定系数为0.695,也就是说被解释变量股价的总变差中有69.5%可以由所选的解释变量解释。

    Main draw the following conclusions : Overall , from the regression model coefficient of determination ( 0.695 ), it seems , be interpreted as price variables 69.5 % can be explained by the selected explanatory variables .

  21. 总有界变差与图像清晰度之间的关系

    The Relation Between Total Bounded Variation and Image Definition Detection