
zǒnɡ tánɡ
  • total sugar
  1. 用紫外吸收分光光度法测定生姜中的营养成分VC、总糖和有害成分亚硝酸盐的含量;

    The contents of VC , total sugar , nitrite were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry .

  2. 西红柿籽含2312%的油,1960%的蛋白质,2235%的总糖,0208%的维生素E。

    The seeds contain 23.12 % oil , 19.60 % protein , 22.35 % total sugar , 0.208 % vitamin E.

  3. 在高N、低P、低K的情况下,番茄椒总糖及VC含量反而降低。

    The total sugar and Vc will decrease when higher P and K were fertilized at lower N.

  4. 膨大期,叶鞘内总糖的含量显著大于叶片中总糖的含量,增加达18.1%(P<0.05);

    During inflation stage , total-sugar content of sheathes was higher ( above 18.1 % ) than that of leaves ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 可滴定酸、总糖、维生素C和类胡萝卜素含量均在果实接近成熟期迅速变化。

    At the end of fruit development , the contents of titratable acids , total sugars , vitamin C and carotenoids all changed notably .

  6. 菌剂可以使可溶性总糖、还原糖含量增加,使蛋白质、总N含量下降。

    After treatment , the total sugar and the reduction sugar amount increased , but the total N amount in the protein reduced .

  7. 砧木对嫁接西瓜品质的影响:不同砧木的嫁接西瓜的可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖、维生素C的含量不同。

    Effects of rootstocks on fruit quality of grafted watermelon : the contents of soluble solid , soluble sugar and vitamin C varied from stocks to stocks .

  8. 可溶性总糖、可溶性蛋白质、脯氨酸和SOD活性均出现先升后降的现象。

    The content of soluble sugar , soluble protein and proline and SOD activity decreased after an initial increase .

  9. 对云南食用玫瑰中的蛋白质、氮基酸、矿质元素、脂肪、总糖、维生素C和粗纤维等营养成分进行了分析研究。

    Nutritional components such as protein , amino acid , mineral elements , fat , sugar , vitamin C and crude fiber in Yunnan edible roses were analyzed .

  10. 冬瓜枣加工过程中,着色时间对总糖含量、维生素C含量有显著性影响,煮枣时间和烘枣时间对总糖含量有显著性影响。

    Coloring total sugar content , vitamin C content has a significant impact , cook jujube and bake date have a significant impact on the total sugar content .

  11. 采后花瓣中CAT、可溶性总糖和蔗糖均为下降。

    The activity of catalase ( CAT ) and soluble sugar and sucrose contents in control group throughout vase-life were reduced .

  12. 提高着果率和产量,并能改善果实品质,增加果汁中总糖和维生素C的含量。

    It was also shown that application of compound rare earths increased setting percentage and productiveness , and improved fruit quality and increased sugers and antiscorbutic vitamin in the fruits .

  13. 8134总糖含量为6.3%,总酸为0.68%,Vc为76mg/100g鲜果肉。

    ' 8134'have 6.3 % of total sugar content , total acid of 0.68 % and Vc for 76mg / 100g pulp .

  14. 保鲜剂处理减缓了杨梅的总糖和总酸的消耗速率,维生素C和花色苷含量保持较高,因而品质保持最好。

    The antiseptic treatment decreased the consumption rates of total sugar and titratable acidity and remained higher level of vitamin C and anthocyanin , thus kept the best quality of the fruit .

  15. Mo处理对种子的糖分积累过程表现出促进作用,成熟种子中的总糖含量高于对照,对种子的粗蛋白积累产生负面影响,并使种子千粒重下降。

    The Mo treatment had higher sugar content and lower protein content than the control , with the thousand-seed weight comparatively lower .

  16. 但降低了果肉可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C和总糖等营养物质含量,导致龙眼果实甜度下降、风味变淡。

    Whereas , fruit pre-harvest bagging decrease the contents of total soluble solids , titratable acidity , vitamin C and total sugars which result in lower sweetness and less flavor in longan pulp .

  17. 沙棘果汁和果浆的pH和酸度没有多大的差别,但果浆中的可溶性固形物、总糖和还原糖都高于果汁。

    Acidity and pH had not diverged much between sea-buckthorn juice and pulp , but the latter had more soluble solids content , total sugars content and reducing sugars content .

  18. 用海藻液体肥浸种,可使种子发芽率提高12%左右,将其用于叶面喷洒,可使作物增产10%~147%,果实中总糖、维生素C、叶绿素含量均有提高。

    The liquid seaweed manure increased yield by 10 % to 147 % and raised seed germination rate up to 12 % , the content of total sugar , vatamin C and chlorophyll were increased .

  19. 交换处理后的酒样中,总糖、总酸、干浸出物、pH值、酒度等均无明显变化。

    There were no significant differences for the contents of sugar , total acid , dry extract , alcohol and pH of wines sampled after treatment of positive ion exchange colophony .

  20. CO2浓度增加,对玉米籽粒粗蛋白、粗纤维和总糖含量的影响呈负效应,对淀粉的影响呈正效应。

    With CO_2 concentration increased , negative effects on corn seed rough protein , rough fiber and contents of total carbohydrate were observed but the starch of corn was positively effected .

  21. 目的从浸出物、多糖和总糖含量、HPLC色谱图等方面来考察趁鲜加工和发汗后加工对茯苓饮片化学成分的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the effects on the chemical constituents from the contents of extract , polysaccharides , total carbohydrate and HPLC chromatogram of different processing Poria cocos herbs .

  22. 测定了这两个品种在花芽分化期间鳞茎中的可溶性总糖、淀粉、蔗糖和可溶性蛋白质、POD活性等生理指标的变化。

    The changes of total soluble sugar , sucrose , starch , protein and POD activity occurring during floral bud differentiation in hippeastrum were studied .

  23. 经PVPP处理后桑葚汁的总糖、总酸、pH及口味等指标没有明显的变化。

    There was no significant change after PVPP treat on the total sugar , titratable acidity , pH and flavor of mulberry juice .

  24. 同时,研究了多拉菌素的发酵代谢曲线,发酵液的pH、总糖含量、还原糖含量、氨基氮含量、菌体浓度的代谢变化。

    At the same time , researched the metabolic curve of doramectin in the fermentation , excluded the variational of pH value , total sugar , deoxidize sugar , amino nitrogen and packed cell volume .

  25. 有机生产模式西红柿的Vc、总糖、可溶性固形物含量分别比常规生产模式高11.9%、14.1%、3.9%;

    ( 3 ) V c , total saccharide , dissoluble solid of tomato in organic produce were respectively more 11.9 % , 14.1 % , 3.9 % than conventional ;

  26. 不同移栽期对Yacon的总糖、可溶性蛋白质的含量基本无影响,但对维生素C的含量有一定影响。

    It had no effect on the content of soluble total sugar and soluble protein , but it had effect on the content of Vc .

  27. 结果表明:维生素C、可溶性蛋白、果皮叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量随着果实的发育呈下降趋势,总糖、可溶性固形物含量及糖酸比不断增加。

    Results showed that vitamin C , soluble protein , chlorophyll and carotenoids contents in the fruit skin decreased during fruit development , whereas contents of total sugars , total soluble solids and the ratio of sugar / acid increased .

  28. 不同保鲜剂结合不同包装在1±1℃的冷藏条件下,与对照相比,可较好地维持果实TA、总糖和VC的含量;

    Using different fungicides and packaging materials during storage at 1 ± 1 ℃, compared with control , maintained higher firmness and delayed the decrease of the content of TA total sugar and vitamin C ;

  29. 当pH值为4.0时,酶水解总糖得率最高,适于制备木糖,而当pH值为5.0~6.0时,较适于制备木低聚糖。

    Furthermore , pH 4.0 favored production of xylose since the highest total sugar yields of enzymatic hydrolysis were obtained at this pH. pH between 5.0 and 6.0 , however , was more suitable for production of xylo-oligosaccharides .

  30. 结果表明,在补料培养条件下,产氢菌株T2对混合糖的利用更为彻底,总糖利用率为79.5%,较批式培养提高了27.7%。

    The results showed that in fed-batch culture conditions , total sugar utilization rate was 79.5 % , compared with the batch culture increased 27.7 % .