
zōnɡ hónɡ
  • 名词/形容词Brownish red;reddish brown
棕红 [zōng hóng]
  • [reddish brown] 红褐

  1. 山西老陈醋以其酸醇厚、味清香、回味绵、质浓稠、色棕红和久贮不变质等特点著称于世。

    Shanxi Overmature Vinegar with its acid mellow , fragrant flavor , aftertaste cotton , quality thick , reddish brown color and a long storage without deterioration , and so famous for .

  2. 不同处理下淋溶五次以后,棕红壤淋出液pH低于黄棕壤,可能与土壤pH与CEC含量有关。

    After five leaching , leaching solution pH of brown-red soil was lower than yellow-brown , which may be related to the content of pH and CEC in the soil . 3 .

  3. 但他脸色棕红,显得健康。

    But his face was brown , and he looked healthy and strong .

  4. 那是两个女孩子,一个是棕红皮肤、金发碧眼,另一个皮肤也很苍白,一头闪亮的褐发。

    They were two girls , one a porcelain colored blonde , the other also pale , with light brown hair .

  5. 棕红闪耀的金沙就象淘金者的法宝一样,最能匡助刷新机遇,并且能无形中吸引命中注定的朱紫到来。

    Palm red sparkle sands like gold , most of the baby can help refresh opportunities , and can potentially attract destined to have arrived .

  6. 同时依据沉积岩紫红、棕红的颜色特征,结合地球化学标志,认为研究区属于干旱、炎热、氧化的陆相湖泊环境。

    At the same time , according to the color and geochemistry characteristic of the rock , we believe that the research region is a drought , torridity and oxidation continent lacustrine environment .

  7. 棕红色彩之中,透现、晕染了橙、黑、蓝、绿等或明亮或深沉的色彩,起落明灭,展现引人观赏的色彩层次。

    Intermingled with the brownish red are such bright and dark colors as orange , black , blue and green ; seemingly translucent , they flicker off and on , exhibiting a coloring effect of remarkable appeal .