
  • 网络terra fusca;Brownlimestonesoil;Torra Fosca
  1. 棕色石灰土缓效钾含量和缓效钾可释放量不能正确反映土壤对当季作物的供K能力,但能较正确反映土壤的持续供K能力。

    Slow potassium content and slow release potassium content can not show the soil supply potassium capacity , but they can show the soil sustainable supply potassium capacity .

  2. 在岩溶石灰山地引种造林,不但能适应气候干旱的石灰岩造林区,而且能适应生长在pH值较高的棕色石灰土;

    It could not only adapt the drought climate and soil , but also grow and develop well on the soil with high pH in limestone soil which is much different from its indigenous area , Hainan island .

  3. 大巴山北坡棕色石灰土性质研究

    Studies on the Properties of Brown Rendzina on the North Slope of the Daba Mountains

  4. 还讨论了棕色石灰土的性质及阴阳坡分异对土壤和植被的影响。

    The properties of brown limestone soil and effect of difference between south slope and north slope on soil and vegetation were also discussed .

  5. 贵州喀斯特地区棕色石灰土与黄壤有机质剖面分布及稳定碳同位素组成差异

    Difference in stable carbon isotope composition and profile distribution of soil organic matter between brown limestone soil and yellow soil in karst areas of Guizhou Province

  6. 与不施肥相比,施肥处理提高棕色石灰土蔗糖酶和脲酶活性,同时也提高红壤脲酶活性,而对蔗糖酶活性的影响不明显。

    Compared to no fertilization , applied chemical fertilizer increased the invertase and urease acitivity in brown calcareous soil . Fertilization also increased the urease acitivity in red soil , but had no significant effect on the invertase acitivity . 4 .

  7. 黑色、棕色和红色石灰土山西太岳山地区森林土壤理化性状研究

    Study on Physico-chemical Characteristics of Forest Soil on Taiyue Mountain in Shanxi Province

  8. 黑色、棕色和红色石灰土砾石对丘陵紫色砾质土持水性的影响

    Effects of Gravel on Water Retention Capability of Purple Gravelly Soils in a Hilly Area

  9. 黑色、棕色和红色石灰土灰黑色的云笼罩着天空。

    Greyish Black clouds covered the sky .