
  • 网络High discharge;Ko Pai
  1. 他们把这种高排放归结于环境标准的管理不足。作者之一的ChrisCherry说:“铅污染控制在管理空间中相对较新,因此不存在遗留标准或者各国坚持的‘规范’”。

    " Lead pollution control is relatively new in the regulatory space so there aren 't legacy standards or'norms'that the countries adhere to ," said Chris Cherry , one of the authors .

  2. 结论OLT患者术后早期存在明显的高排低阻及肺动脉高压等血液动力学异常,并伴有组织氧代谢障碍。

    Conclusion Early after OLT , the patients are still in a certain high output and low resistance state , and have a trouble of oxygen metabolism .

  3. 软基底高排土场的基底承载力分析

    Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Soft Foundation in High Earth-Disposing Site

  4. 高排架渡槽风振的计算方法

    Computing Method of Wind-induced Vibration for Tall-bent Aqueduct

  5. 超高排架柱施工技术

    Construction techniques of super-high bent frame columns

  6. 上海卢浦大桥墩柱盖梁斜撑高排架的设计和施工

    The Design and Construction of Obliquely Supported High Bent for Pier Cap Beams of Lu Pu Bridge

  7. 纵向柱距不等的等高排架在吊车荷载作用下的内力分析

    The Analysis of InternaL Force in the Combined Bank Frames with Unequal Longtitudinal Column Distances and Equal Heights

  8. 方法:对18例高排性十二指肠外瘘病人,分析其发生的原因、诊断、临床表现及采取的治疗措施。

    Mehtods : The occurrence causes , clinical manifestations and treatment were analysed retrospectively for18 cases with high output duodenocutaneous fistula .

  9. 结合了解析方法和数值方法优点,提出了一种新方法用于求解单层工业厂房不等高排架结构的动力响应。

    By combining the merits of analytic method and numerical method , a new method for the dynamic analysis of single story industrial building was proposed .

  10. 通过对变截面多跨不等高排架位移条件的分析,导出了此类结构在一般荷载作用下的柱顶剪力及变形计算公式。

    Formula for calculating shear and displacement of the top of column in bentuncler general load has been proposed the basis of analysis of displacement conditions ofbent .

  11. 目的研究去甲肾上腺素对肝移植术后早期异常血流动力学状态(高排低阻)的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of norepinephrine ( NE ) on the abnormal hemodynamic status of high output low resistance in the early phase of post liver transplantation .

  12. 孔隙结构差,毛管压力曲线表现出高排驱压力两套储集空间的双台阶型特征,有效孔隙体积为15%至60%;

    The pore structure is poor , and the capillary pressure curves display high displacement pressure and double step-type which is a characteristic of the two sets of pore spaces , and the net pore volume is 15 % to 60 % .

  13. 根据唐山地震以来各个部门对单层排架工业厂房抗震之研究成果,分析了多跨不等高排架厂房的纵向抗震能力,并提出了一种简便计算方法。

    Based on the research results about earthquake resistance of industrical workshop with single-store bent obtained by various departments since the Earthquake of Tangshan happened , this paper analyses the longitudinal aseismatic capacity of the workshops with multi-span and unequal height bent structure , and provides a simplified calculating method .

  14. PDC型旋风管单管气量大,除尘率高,排料通畅,无窜流返混。

    PDC type cyclone tube is characterized by large gas capacity per unit tube , high effi-ciency of dust removal , unobstructed discharging as well as elimination of gas channeling and backmixing .

  15. 目的:研究高心排心力衰竭大白鼠Aquaporin2基因的表达及精氨酸血管加压素(AVP)受体拮抗剂的治疗作用。

    Objective : Our purpose was to study the expression of aquaporin 2 ( AQP2 ) gene in rats with high output heart failure and the treatment effect of vasopressin antagonist .

  16. 给出了一种基于约束满足的高校排课问题模型,提出了高质量排课方案的优化途径。

    An optimization model based on constraint satisfaction is presented .

  17. 德兴铜矿西源排土场高台阶排土稳定性研究

    Study on High-bench Dumping at Xiyuan Dump Dexing Copper Mine

  18. 福建紫金山金矿特高台阶排土的控制研究

    Research on Control of High Bank Spoil Disposal of Fujian Zijinshan Gold Mine

  19. 熔融温度越高,排状堆积片晶所需的熔体拉伸比越高。

    And the higher the melting temperature of polypropylene sample , the higher melt draft ratio is required for piling up .

  20. 本文给出非等高铰接排架计算的剪力分配法。

    The articulated joint bent of non-uniform depth is equivalented with bent of uniform depth , and shear force distribution method is work .

  21. 因此,发展高台阶排土技术、发展超高台阶排土场是大幅度减小占地面积的有效途径。

    Therefore , to develop high step Dump technology and to develop ultra-high steps Dump is an effective way of significantly reducing the footprint .

  22. 基于地基系数折减法,提出了全直桩高桩排架的一个计算思路。

    Based on the degradation model of subgrade reaction , a new method is proposed for calculation of pile bent with all straight piles .

  23. 堆筑堤坝材料采用粗颗粒的物料,并且采用小段高台阶排土,排土设备自动碾压,提高了堆筑堤坝体的密实度及固结度,以及母坝的稳定性。

    If dam stacked by coarse waste is flattened automatically by bulldozer at small height , its density and consolidation will be raised and its stability will be strengthened .

  24. 试验结果表明,该排种器具有高的排种精度:单粒率大于98%,漏播率为0。

    Tested results show that the metering device can reach high accuracy : rate of 1 seed per hill is more than 98 % and rate of missing is 0 .

  25. 船舶作用力在高桩码头排架中的分配

    Distribution of Horizontal Force due to Ship on Long Piled Wharf

  26. 高活性湿排粉煤灰料浆制备及性能研究

    Preparation and Research on Performance of High-activity Wet-discharged Fly-ash Slurry

  27. 设计了高活性湿排粉煤灰料浆的具体制备工艺。

    Preparation craft of high-activity wet-discharged fly-ash slurry was designed in this paper .

  28. 高碳湿排粉煤灰-页岩烧结砖的开发利用

    The Developmental Utilization of Shale Sintering-brick with High Content Carbon Damp Fly Ash

  29. 高桩码头排架船舶撞击力分配系数的空间整体研究

    The Space of Distribution Factor of Impact Force of Vessels on the Bent of High-level Platform

  30. 结点刚性域对高桩码头排架内力的影响

    Influence of Rigid Region in the Connected Joint to The Internal Stress of High level Wharf Piles and Cross-beams