
  1. 大兴安岭林区土地资源优化与林种结构调整

    Land Resources Optimum and Forest-type Structure Regulation for Daxing ' anling Forest Region

  2. 吉林省西部地区林种结构的多目标规划

    Multi-target programming for constituents of forest species in the west of Jilin Province

  3. 武义县林种结构调整研究

    Study on Tree Species Structure Regulation in Wuyi

  4. 线性目标规划及其辅助模型在县级区域性林种结构调整中的应用

    Application of Linear Goal Programming and Supplementary Model on Regional Structure Adjustment of Forest-type

  5. 应用多因子综合评审法确定林种结构

    Defining Forest Category through Multi-factor Comprehensive Appraisal

  6. 黑龙江省合理森林覆被率与林种结构的研究

    Study on the Reasonable Percentage of Forest Cover and Structure of Forest Types for Heilongjiang Province

  7. 结果表明该模型对解决林种结构的合理规划是实用可行的。

    It shows that the model is applicable and effective for planning the forest category structure .

  8. 我国正在实施林业分类经营,其主要内容之一是森林资源林种结构调整。

    Forestry classification management is implementing in China now . Category of forest structure adjustment is a main task .

  9. 晋西山区防护林体系林种结构优化方案的研究

    A study on the plan of superiority of woods combination of shel-ter forest system in the western mountain area of Shanxi Province

  10. 最后经过调整林种结构和林龄结构,以达到提高森林可持续经营能力的目的。

    With the regulation of the structure of forest species and age , the of capacity raising of forest sustainable management will gotten at last .

  11. 在准则层中,功能稳定性较强而结构合理性较脆弱;在约束层中,林分结构和生态防护功能稳定,经济效益较稳定,林种结构和树种结构脆弱,社会效益极脆弱;

    In limiting layer , ecological protection function and tree species structure have high contribution to the stability of protection forest system in oasis irrigation area ;

  12. 通过2849株冷杉伐倒木测定表明,冷杉林木发生腐朽后,林种结构有明显的变化,优良林种下降,加工材增加。

    The determinations of 2 , 849 felled trees of fir have shown that . after fir trees had decayed , excellent timber decreased while the processing timber increased .

  13. 本文运用数学分析的方法,对晋西山区的林种结构进行了优化选择、结果表明;

    By using the mathematic analysis method , this paper , gives an overview about the plan of superiority of woods combination in the western mountain area of Shanxi province .

  14. 然而,库区目前的森林资源分布不均匀、林种结构不合理、林分结构简单,难以充分发挥其生态防护功能。

    However , the forest resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir have weak ecological protective function because of uneven distribution , unreasonable proportion and simple stand structure and so on .

  15. 平和天马国有林场从场情出发,调整林种结构、产业结构,发展多种成份经济,增强了林场综合实力。

    The forest category structure and industry structure are adjusted as well as multiple component economy is developed by Tianma National Forest Farm , Pinghe , the forest farm comprehensive strength is enhanced .

  16. 指出广西铁路沿线防护林存在林种结构单一、种植不规范、断带现象严重、造林水平低、防护林总量少等问题。

    During survey of the existing forest , several problems were found such as single forest structure , non-standard planting , discontinuous forest belts , low forestation level , less shelter forests , etc.

  17. 研究区域41年间有林地、灌木林地面积增加,森林覆盖率和土地利用率都有所增长,人工林面积有较多增加,林种结构有所改善。

    During forty-one years , the area of forest land and shrub land increase , forest - covered ratio and used-land ratio rise , artificial forest area increases much more and forest structure also improves .

  18. 人工针阔混交林的培育,不但能提高森林的覆被率,保护森林的生态系统,调节森林的林种结构,而且能提高森林的生态效益、经济效益、社会效益。

    Cultivating plantation mixed by coniferous and broadleaf could increase coverage of forest , protect ecosystem , and adjust structure of forest category , so forest benefits in the ecological , economic and social would be improved .

  19. 森林生态安全问题主要表现森林组成结构不合理、质量不高和生态服务功能较低等,调整林种结构、加大林业科技投入和建设生态林业等措施可逐步实现森林生态安全;

    The main problem of forest eco-safety is that the forest structure is unreasonable and the forest quality and the function of eco-service are lower . The measure of realizing forest eco-safety is adjusting forest structure , increasing technological and scientific input and building eco-forest .

  20. 建议,海南省应减少用材林面积的比例,增加防护林面积的比例,围绕生态省的建设,狠抓林种结构调整,使不同林种比例结构适合生态省建设的需要。

    The paper suggests that the area proportion of timber forest should be reduced , and the one of protection forest area should be increased . Simultaneity , the structure of forests should be adjusted attentively according to the needs of ecological construction in Hainan Province .

  21. 根据1993年省森林资源清查、森林资源消耗量及消耗结构的调查资料,以可持续发展的理论为指导,采用线性规划对我省的林种结构进行了研究。

    Based on many data , such as Henan forest resources inventory in 1993 , Henan forest resources consume volume and structure , etc. Directed by the theory of sustainable development . Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented .

  22. 用Hopfield网络模型解决林种树种结构优化问题

    Building the Optimal Model of Tree Species Structure by Hopfield Network

  23. 鳞毛蕨(Dryopterisfilix-mas)天山云杉林种群结构分析

    Analysis on the Population Structure of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . - Dryopteris filix-mas Stand

  24. 地区林种树种结构优化模型

    An Optimum Structural Model of Crop and Tree Species in Jingzhou Prefecture

  25. 层次分析法在林种树种结构优化中的应用研究

    Structure optimization of forest catalogue and tree species using analytic hierarchy process

  26. 钝叶黄檀异地保存林种群结构特征研究

    Study on Community Structure Characteristics in Dalbergia obtusifolia Prain Ex Situ Conservation Forest

  27. 用层次分析法调整三都县林种树种结构

    To adjust the structure of tree species and kinds of forest by AHP in Sandu county

  28. 长白山针阔混交林种群结构及环境解释

    Population Structure of Tree Species and Environmental Interpretation in Coniferous and Broadleaved Mixed Forest in Changbai Mountain

  29. AHP法在区域林种、树种结构调整中的应用研究

    Application of AHP method on regulating structure of category and tree species in southern Qinling Mountains

  30. 浙江省林种、树种结构调整研究

    Study on Tree Species and Forest Structure Adjustment in Zhejiang Province