
  1. 文章通过选取珠三角地区具有代表性的16个树种的纯林样地,设置了10,20,30m的林带宽度进行降噪测试,结果表明:在10m林带宽度时,珊瑚树和高山榕的降噪效果较好;

    The study was to test the Anti-noise effects of 16 representative tree species of pure woods on three different woods-widths which were 10 m , 20 m and 30 m in Zhujiang Delta .

  2. 该研究采用选取试验点进行原位调查的方法,研究了山东省3条主要高速公路路侧绿化带对交通噪声的衰减效果,并探讨了林带宽度和郁闭度对噪声衰减的影响。

    The traffic noise attenuation by green belts along expressway and the effects of belt width and canopy density on noise attenuation were studied by in-situ investigation in this paper .

  3. 林带的对噪声的绿化衰减与林带宽度以及宽度和郁闭度的乘积均呈极显著的线性关系。

    There was a highly significant linear relationship between greening attenuation of noise and belt width or the multiplication of belt width and canopy density .

  4. 结果表明,林网内的防风效应主要取决于林带的疏透度,与林带树种防风特性指标、林带宽度、风速和风向也有密切关系;

    The results showed that the windbreak effect within the network of shelterbelt depends mainly on the penetrability of the shelterbelts , the index of wind-resistance of different tree species , width of the shelterbelts , wind-speed and wind direction .