
  • 网络comprehensive improvement of land and resources
  1. 加强大学生环境保护意识教育之我见实施海洋开发,搞好国土资源综合整治。树立全民环保意识,搞好生态保护和建设。

    Environment-protect-sense Education of College Students ; We should promote marine development and do well in the comprehensive improvement of land and resources . It is necessary to help the whole nation see the importance of environmental protection and do a good job of ecological conservation and improvement .

  2. 我国国土资源安全面临的挑战及对策实施海洋开发,搞好国土资源综合整治。

    We should promote marine development and do well in the comprehensive improvement of land and resources .

  3. 鄱阳湖区国土资源综合评价和开发整治战略

    The general evaluation of territorial resources and the strategy of exploitation and renovation in Poyang Lake District

  4. 甘肃省国土综合开发中产业结构的战略选择&日本北海道综合开发对甘肃省的启示实施海洋开发,搞好国土资源综合整治。

    The strategic selection of industrial structure in regional exploitation of Gansu Province ; We should promote marine development and do well in the comprehensive improvement of land and resources .