
guò shí xiào
  • overaging
过时效[guò shí xiào]
  1. 实验结果表明:Ag的添加提高了该合金的硬度和强度,同时改善了其塑性,并延缓了过时效的发生。

    The mechanical testing results indicated that the Ag addition increased the microhardness , ductility and strength of the alloy , and retarded its overaging process .

  2. CAPL低碳钢薄板过时效工艺研究

    Overaging Process of Continous-Annealing Low-carbon Sheet Steels

  3. 应采用低C、N含量和高Al的化学成分,采用低温出炉、高温卷取的热轧温度制度及更优的过时效处理。

    Chemical composition of low C and N and high Al , HR temperature system for low-temperature tapping and high-temperature coiling , and a better ageing treatment should be adopted .

  4. 与单独加Li的A6合金相比,Li、Ag共同添加的A3合金硬度和强度提高,延缓了过时效的出现,塑性也得到一定的改善。

    Compared with the A6 alloy with only Ag content , the combined addition of Ag and Li increased the strength and ductility of the A3 alloy and retarded over-ageing .

  5. Ni和Mn的加入可以加快AlSiCuMg合金的时效硬化速度,同时又可推迟过时效现象的出现,有利于合金耐热性的提高。

    Ni and Mn can not only quicken the aging hardening speed of Al Si Cu Mg alloy but also delay the phenomenon of over aging . It is beneficial to improving the heat resistance of the alloy .

  6. 采用扫描电子显微技术(SEM)、透射电子显微技术(TEM)、背反射电子衍射技术(EBSD)等分析手段对AA2195铝锂合金过时效对析出相粒子组态、细晶组织的影响进行了研究。

    The influence of over-aging treatment of AA2195 on the distribution of second phase particles was investigated by SEM , TEM , and electron back scatter diffraction ( EBSD ) .

  7. 过时效工艺对AA2195铝锂合金微观组织的影响

    Influence of over-aging technology on microstructure of AA 2195 Al-Li alloy

  8. 与欠时效和过时效状态相比,T6态对晶间腐蚀较敏感,与晶界析出相的连续分布有关。

    Compared with the alloy under aged and over aged , the one treated according to T6 condition showed much strong susceptibility to intergranular corrosion , which was resulted from continuous distribution of precipitates along grain boundaries of the alloy at T6 status .

  9. 铝铜合金过时效多晶体中的剪切带

    Shear band in overaged al-2 . 45wt % cu alloy polycrystal

  10. 不同热处理对17-4PH钢过时效组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Overageing on Microstructure and Properties of a Steel 17-4 PH

  11. 连续退火过时效工艺对碳锰钢组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Overaging in Continuous Annealing Process on Microstructures and Properties of C-Mn Steel

  12. 铝铜过时效多晶体中的变形不均匀性和断裂

    Nonuniform deformation and fracture of overaged Al-Cu polycrystal

  13. 我希望能够这样说,他们的立法方法是已过时效的。

    I wish it could be said that their method of legislation is quite extinct .

  14. 随着时效时间的延长,试样处于过时效时,富铜析出物不断粗化长大,导致硬度的下降。

    Moreover , rich-copper particles coarsen with holding time increasing , which results in hardness decreasing .

  15. 你要让你的分支过时效吗?

    Do you age your branches ?

  16. 可省去固溶与过时效预处理工序。

    There is no need for solid solution and overaging pretreatments in the superplastic deformation process .

  17. 过时效-重固溶-再时效处理对7055铝合金组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Over-ageing and Re-solution and Re-ageing Treatment on Microstructures and Properties of 7055 Al Alloy

  18. 欠时效和过时效状态增塑作用较弱,峰值时效状态作用明显。

    In under-aged and over-aged condition , the improving effect is weaker than that in peak-aged condition .

  19. 当T1和S′相析出时,强度和延伸率都提高,过时效后,由于θ′和T2相析出,性能下降。

    When the alloy is overaged , the properties are reduced due to the precipitation of θ ' and T2 phases .

  20. 不同时效温度下的峰时效和过时效合金中均不存在明显的晶间无析出带。

    There are no obvious precipitate free zones along the grain boundary in both peak-aged and over-aged alloys under different ageing temperatures .

  21. 提高过时效温度到350℃,碳化物明显析出,是强度下降的主要原因。

    When over aging temperature is above 350 ℃, precipitation of carbides is obvious which is the cause for the decrease in strength .

  22. 但该系合金对应力腐蚀断裂敏感,过时效处理在改善抗应力腐蚀断裂性能的同时却会致使强度降低。

    Although overaging processes could improve the performance of resistance to stress corrosion cracking , it could reduce the alloys ' strength simultaneously .

  23. 而过时效状态下,循环蠕变与静态蠕变相比表现出高的表观激活能,滞弹性机制作用较大。

    On the condition of over aging the cyclic creep shows higher apparels energy , which indicates the anelastic plays a important role .

  24. 结果发现:峰时效下,合金的蠕变抗力强于过时效状态下材料的蠕变抗力。

    The results indicate that on the condition of peak aging , the materials show higher resistant to creep than those overaged materials do .

  25. 冷形变时效后完全合金化粉末制成的合金具有最大峰值硬度,且过时效时间延长。

    The alloy that made of completely prealloyed powders has highest hardness , and its over ageing time has been delayed , in the cold worked ageing .

  26. 冷轧前进行过时效处理,其再结晶织构主要由绕法向旋转了20°的立方取向(Cube+ND20)和{011}〈122〉取向构成;

    The recrystallization textures consist of cube orientation rotated by 20 ° round normal direction ( ND ) and { 011 } 〈 122 〉 orientation for samples overaged and then cold rolled .

  27. 过时效处理温度增高,ε-Cu的尺寸增大,使强度和硬度降低,塑性和冲击韧性稍有增高。

    As the overageing temperature increases , the size of ε - Cu increases , so that the strength and the hardness decrease , but the plasticity and the impact toughness increase just a little .

  28. 由于具有高强度、高韧性、强耐腐蚀性、抗过时效性和较好的焊接性等优点,它已被应用于电动剃须刀网孔刀片和外科医疗器械领域。

    It has been widely used in various applications such as shaver blades , surgical instrument and so on for its high toughness , high intensity , outstanding resistance to over-aging , excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability .

  29. 合金在峰值时效状态下疲劳性能最佳且静强度最高,而在欠时效状态下塑性最好,过时效对合金的塑性和疲劳性能不利。

    The alloy exhibited optimum fatigue properties and highest static strength in the PA condition , The alloy has the highest ductility in the UA condition . Overaging is deleterious to the ductility and fatigue property of the alloy .

  30. 过时效处理产生粗大γ′相,使γ′/γ界面成为氢陷阱,同时氢还进入存在连续碳化物的晶界,造成合金塑性的严重降低。

    Overaging treatment made γ′ coarsening and γ′ / γ interface became hydrogen traps , in addition , hydrogen also entranced the grain boundaries with interconnection carbides . Those two factors led to a dramatic drop of the alloy plasticity .