
ɡuò dù qī
  • transition period;intermediate stage;layoff period
  1. 做好加入WTO后过渡期工作

    Get through the transition period after entering WTO

  2. 本文研究的是WTO后过渡期我国对外贸易战略的调整问题。

    This paper studied the foreign trade strategy adjustment of our country in post-WTO transition period .

  3. 青春期是从少年到成年的过渡期。

    Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity .

  4. 小步调整就是每年延迟几个月,经过若干年过渡期完成改革。

    Taking small steps means the country will raise the retirement age by a few months every year and finish the reform in several years .

  5. 汽车业WTO后过渡期市场营销应对措施与思路

    Countermeasures of Marketing of Automotive Industry during the Post-WTO Transitional Period

  6. 论WTO后过渡期中国企业的反倾销法律对策

    The Legal Anti-dumping Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises during WTO 's Post-transitional Period

  7. 对WTO后过渡期中国产业安全的思考

    Consideration On Industry Security of China in Transition Period After entering WTO

  8. 从2005年起,我国进入了加入WTO以后的过渡期。

    Since 2005 , China entered into transition period after joined WTO .

  9. 论加入WTO后过渡期我国服务贸易法律体系的构建

    On the construction of the sustaining law system of service trade under WTO

  10. WTO后过渡期的中国企业营销应对策略

    Marketing Strategies of Chinese Firms in Transition After China 's Accession to WTO

  11. WTO后过渡期黑龙江省农产品出口贸易问题研究

    Study on the Agricultural Export Trade of Heilongjiang Province at Post-WTO Transitional Period

  12. 冲破WTO过渡期后的贸易藩篱

    Breakthrough the Trade Hedges after WTO Transition Period

  13. WTO后过渡期是一个具有特别含义的法律概念。

    WTO 's Post - transitional Period is a legal concept with special meaning .

  14. WTO后过渡期国有商业银行的产权改革策略探析

    The Research on State-owned Commercial Bank 's Property Right Reform during the WTO Later Transition-period

  15. 2006年12月11日,中国加入WTO五年过渡期结束。

    December 11,2006 , five years of transition-period of China having joined the WTO finished .

  16. 应对WTO后过渡期及未来的汽车营销策略

    The Automobile Marketing Strategy in China at the late of WTO interim and in the future

  17. 随着中国零售业的全面市场开放,进入WTO后过渡期。

    For the retail business being opened , overall market of china entering WTO " After Transition period " .

  18. 我国加入WTO以来,特别是当前我国建筑及相关工程服务已进入后过渡期,市场竞争日益激烈。

    Since China entered the Transition Period of WTO , the consultancy market has became more competitive than before .

  19. WTO过渡期后特保措施对中国纺织服装产业的影响

    Impact of " Safeguard Measures " Taken against China 's Textiles and Garments after the Transition Period of WTO

  20. 在加入WTO过渡期的中后期,协同主要以建立战略联盟和共用设施资源为主,对中间业务进行全面创新;

    Then synergy should mostly build strategy alliance and share the establishment resource and entirely make the middle business innovate .

  21. WTO后过渡期结束后价格行政监管的研究

    A Study on the Administrative Supervision on the Market Price during and after the Heel of the Transition to the WTO

  22. 当时,NBA正处于一个尴尬的过渡期。

    At the time , the NBA was in an awkward spot .

  23. 在中国加入WTO多年以后,中国市场开放进程进入后过渡期。

    Several years after China entering WTO , the opening of Chinese market has stepped into ″ the post transition period ″ .

  24. 2006年我国加入WTO五年过渡期结束,我国宣布对外资银行实行国民待遇,兑现了金融业全面开放的承诺。

    In 2006 , with the end of the WTO transition period , China announced to grant national treatment to foreign banks .

  25. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  26. 我国加入WTO已是第四年,进入了后过渡期阶段。

    As it is fourth year after China 's entry into the World Trade Organization , it has been into the half-past-transitional period .

  27. 我国自加入WTO至今,包括教育在内的服务行业五年过渡期已满。

    It has been five years since China enter into WTO and the transition-period will be over , including the education service industry .

  28. 加入WTO后过渡期经济特区金融法律制度的创新

    Observations on the Innovation in Legal Systems in the Special Economic Zone in the Transitional Period After China 's Entry to the WTO

  29. 尤其是进入WTO后,我国的物流行业在经过合理过渡期后,将取消大部分外国股权限制,外国物流企业将进入我国市场,势必给国内物流企业带来巨大冲击。

    Especially entering WTO , after our logistics industry come by reasonable transition period , it will cancel most limitations of foreign stock authority .

  30. 加入WTO过渡期后我国内外资银行税收待遇比较分析

    A Comparative Research on Tax Treatment between the Chinese and Foreign & funded Banks after the Adjustment Period of China 's Entry into WTO