
  • 网络Hypereutectic alloy
  1. 熔体过热处理对Al-Si过共晶合金凝固组织及耐磨性的影响

    The Effect of Melt Overheating Treatment on the Microstructure and Wear Resistance of AL-Si Hypereutectic Alloys

  2. Al-Si过共晶合金是一种重要的铸造合金,广泛应用于航空、航天及汽车制造等领域。

    Al-Si hypereutectic alloys are widely used in industries and Hi-Tech areas , but coarse primary Si phase in casting is detrimental to the mechanical properties of the alloy .

  3. Al-l8%Si过共晶合金熔体结构特征及磷的影响

    Structure of molten hypereutectic al-18 % si alloy and influence of phosphorus

  4. 电磁振荡对Al-Si过共晶合金凝固组织的影响

    Effect of Electromagnetic Vibration on Solidification Structure of Al-Si Hypereutectic Alloy

  5. Ni-24.19wt%Nb过共晶合金跃迁减速定向凝固下初生Ni3Nb相的消失

    Disappearance of Ni_3Nb Primary Phase in Hypereutectic Alloy of Ni-24.19wt % Nb at Abruptly Decreasing Growth Rate under Directional Solidification

  6. 在常规凝固条件下,Al24%Si过共晶合金中的初生Si为粗大的板片状。

    The primary silicon phases of hypereutectic Al 24 % Si alloy will be solidified into large plate on traditional condition .

  7. 过热处理对Al-Si过共晶合金耐磨性能的影响

    Effect of Overheating Treatment on the Wear Characteristics of Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy

  8. 熔体温度对快凝Al-Si过共晶合金条带微观组织及性能的影响

    Effects of melt temperatures on Microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified al - ( 14 % - 18 % ) si ribbons

  9. 通过高频磁场净化试验研究了AlSi24%过共晶合金在相同功率,不同净化时间下宏观初生硅相的分布成因及净化效率。

    The purification efficiency of Al - Si 24 % hypereutectic alloy and the macro-distribution of primary silicon in the same power and different time were investigated through the high frequency magnetic field .

  10. 使Ag-21%Ge(质量分数)过共晶合金中Ge初生相组织细化、数量增多,但并不改变小平面晶体Ge相的侧面生长机制。

    For the hypereutectic alloys , the primary Ge phase is refined , with its number greatly increased . However , the primary Ge phase still grows through the lateral growth mechanism .

  11. 过共晶合金在290~360℃温度范围内时效处理,出现NixPy介稳相,X射线衍射分析认为NixPy为Ni(12)P5。

    Metastable phases Ni_xP_y were formed when the hypereutectic alloys were aged within the temperature range of 290-360 ℃ . and the Ni_xP_y phase is identified as Ni_ ( 12 ) P_5 using X-ray diffraction method .

  12. 研究了Mg元素对铸造Al-10%Fe过共晶合金初生Al3Fe相形态的影响。

    The effect of Mg on the morphology of primary Al_3Fe phase in hypereutectic Al-10 % Fe casting alloy was investigated .

  13. 脉冲电流的作用使Al-Si共晶和过共晶合金中复杂规则组织的个数和面积比明显增加。

    As for the complex regular structure ( CRS ) in the eutectic and hypereutectic alloy , the number and area percentage of the CRS is found to increase when the ECP is applied .

  14. 而Pb-15wt%Sb和Pb-18wt%Sb过共晶合金随着过冷度增大,组织宏观偏析减弱,初生相(Sb)的形貌逐渐由块状向枝晶状转变。

    With the increase of undercooling , the growth morphology of primary phase ( Sb ) experiences a transition from blocky shape to dendritic shape and the structure macrosegregation reduces in Pb-15wt % Sb and Pb-18wt % Sb hypereutectic alloys ;

  15. 结果表明,A1-18%Si过共晶合金凝固组织以初晶硅数量为标志,经电脉冲处理后呈周期性变化,变化的特征时间约为120s。

    The results show that the quality of primary silicon is the mark of the periodical change of solidification structure and the periodical time is about 120s .

  16. 高频磁场作用下利用电磁相分离工艺成功的制备了Al-Si过共晶合金自生梯度复合材料,通过改变磁场作用时间来控制初生硅的迁移,以使其更好地沿径向成梯度分布。

    Hypereutectic Al-Si in-situ graded composite was produced by electromagnetic separation process under high frequency magnetic field , In order to control migration of Si and make it distribute graded along the radial direction , different imposing time of high frequency magnetic field is used .

  17. 定向凝固条件下Al-5%Fe过共晶合金的组织演化

    Microstructure Evolution of Al-5 % Fe Hypereutectic Alloy Under Unidirectional Solidification

  18. Pb-15%Sb过共晶合金的深过冷及快速凝固

    On rapid solidification of undercooled Pb-15 % Sb hypereutectic alloy

  19. Pb-15wt%Sb和Pb-18wt%Sb过共晶合金组织均发生了显著细化;

    Pb-15wt % Sb and Pb-18wt % Sb hypereutectic alloys exhibit notably refined grain ;

  20. 在Mo5Si3MoSi2过共晶合金中,层状结构的层间距与体积百分含量在退火前后没有发生明显变化;

    The lamellar structure did not change significantly before and after annealing in Mo_5Si_3-MoSi_2 hypereutectic alloy .

  21. 定向凝固恒速和跃迁加速下Cu-12.58%Mg过共晶合金的凝固组织演变

    Microstructure Evolution of Cu-12.58 % Mg Hypereutectic Alloy at Constant and Abruptly Increasing Velocities in Directional Solidification

  22. 利用等温液淬的方法,研究了Al18%Si过共晶合金熔体中初生硅的生长行为及机制。

    The process and mechanism of primary silicon growth in the Al-Si hypereutectic melt were studied by quench interrupting .

  23. Co-33%Ge过共晶合金中初生β-Co5Ge3相的快速凝固组织从柱状枝晶转变为等轴枝晶。

    The primary β - Co_5Ge_3 phase in Co-33 % Ge hypereutectic alloy transfers from columnar dendrite into equiaxed dendrite .

  24. 而Pb-15wt%Sn-15wt%Sb三元过共晶合金快速凝固合金的耐磨性能比普通铸态合金的耐磨性能好。

    The wear-resisting property of rapidly-solidified Pb-15wt % Sn-15wt % Sb ternary hypereutectic alloys is better than that of as cast ternary hypereutectic alloys .

  25. 通过研究Co-29.7%Ge共晶和Co-33%Ge过共晶合金的快速凝固过程,揭示了共晶和枝晶快速生长的特征及其组织演变规律。

    The rapid eutectic and dendritic growth and the microstructural evolution in Co-29.7 % Ge eutectic and Co-33 % Ge hypereutectic alloys have been revealed .

  26. 而且电磁搅拌下,Al-20%Mg2Si过共晶合金的硬度随搅拌电压增加而增加。

    It was also found that the hardness of Al-20 % Mg2Si hypereutectic alloy under electromagnetic stirring was greatly improved with the stirring voltage increased .

  27. 采用熔剂净化深过冷和洁净容器快速凝固方法,研究了Pb-15%Sb过共晶合金在不同凝固条件下的组织演变。

    The microstructure evolution of Pb-15 % Sb hypereutectic alloy under different solidification condition is studied by means of fusing agent deep undercooling and purity container rapid solidification .

  28. 结果表明,在不同的磁场条件下,从过共晶合金中析出的初晶硅粒的分布状况和共晶硅的形态和密度有显著不同。

    It is found that not only the distribution of the primary crystal silicon but the structures and density of silicon framework of eutectic are different because of different magnetic parameters .

  29. 研究了在交变磁场作用下电源功率、净化时间、不同管径等参数对Al-24%Si过共晶合金净化效果的影响。

    The effect of parameters , electrical source power , purification time and pipe radius on the purification efficiency of Al-24 % Si hypereutectic alloy was investigated in an alternating magnetic field .

  30. 研究了无搅拌铸造和电磁搅拌铸造下的Al-24%Si过共晶合金和Al-6.6%Si亚共晶合金常温下的力学性能,并运用扫描电镜对其拉伸断口进行了分析。

    The mechanic Property under ambient temperature of Al-24 % Si hypereutectic alloy and Al-6.6 % Si hypoeutectic alloy cast under electromagnetic stirring and without stirring was investigated , and the tensile fracture was analyzed by using SEM .