
  1. 他有幸为梅兰芳配过戏。

    He had the honour of playing a supporting role opposite Mei lanfang .

  2. 你演过戏吗?

    Have you ever acted ?

  3. 大家都认识你但你之前没有演过戏没有

    Everyone knows who you are . You 've never acted before.No .

  4. 有没有是亲身经历过戏中的情节?

    Have you ever lived any of the moments depicted in the film ?

  5. 我在学校也演过戏。

    I used to be in schooi piays .

  6. 在得到台词或名字之前,甘瑟从未演过戏

    Gunther Was On The Show Way Before Being Given Any Lines or a Name

  7. 我们一起参加过戏剧社

    We were in the drama club together . - That 's right . -

  8. 他曾在舞台上演过戏吗?

    Did he ever act on the stage ?

  9. 我们曾在外省合演过戏。

    We played together in the provinces .

  10. 就由于她在耶鲁戏剧学院(学过戏),她就把自己当最好的演员了。

    Just because she went to Yale Drama , she thinks she is the greatest actress .

  11. 他之前从未演过戏。

    He has never acted before .

  12. 在此之前,我真的一点也没演过戏,而能够体验一些不一样的经历是如此令人激动。

    Before this , I really had no acting career , and it 's exciting to be part of something different .

  13. 结果发现跟李小龙,成龙,李连杰等名角都搭档拍过戏的,竟然独我一人。

    It turns out that I am the only person that has acted with Bruce Lee , Jackie Chan and Jet Li among many others .

  14. 她在大学时演过很多戏。

    She did a lot of acting when she was at college .

  15. Clarke在2013的百老汇剧《Tiffany的早餐》中有过裸戏。观众们在她演出期间拍了照片,导致剧院不得不升级了保安级别。

    Clarke also had a nude scene in her 2013 Broadway debut , Breakfast at Tiffany 's. Audience members infamously took photos of her during the show , causing the theater to beef up security .

  16. 你本身没演过任何戏,什么事使你去面试呢?

    So if you 've never acted , what made you go to the audition ?

  17. 据我所知,这是一出从未在英国上演过的戏。

    This is a play which to the best of my knowledge has never been performed in britain .

  18. 玛丽·贝思:在我所演过的戏中,这部戏的工作日程最短。

    MARY BETH : Of all the shows I 've done , this one has the shortest work schedule .

  19. 在我所演过的戏中,这部分的工作日程最短,我们几乎没有时间排练。

    Of all the shows I 've done , this one has the shortest work schedule . We hardly have time to rehearse .

  20. 我们都三个礼拜没有演完过这场戏了。

    We haven 't finished the show for three weeks .

  21. 她在大学时代演过很多次戏。

    She did a lot of acting while she was at college .

  22. 一部分法国正统派和青年英国,都演过这出戏。

    One section of the French Legitimists and " Young England " exhibited this spectacle .

  23. 我已通过英译本读过这出法国戏。

    I have read this French play via an English translation .

  24. perp.经由我已通过英译本读过这出法国戏。……

    via I have read this French play via an English translation .......

  25. 这真是我演过最难的戏

    Probably be some of the hardest acting I 've ever done .

  26. 虽说在《哈利波特》系列之前的剧情中也有见过,丹尼尔·雷德克里夫、艾玛·沃森分别同其他演员有过一些小亲密戏。

    Sure , we 've seen it before in the " Harry Potter " franchise , Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson reeling in one of their co-stars for a smooch .