
guò huǒ
  • go too far;go to extremes;overdo
过火 [guò huǒ]
  • [go too far] [说话、办事] 超过适当的分寸或限度

  • 这话谈得太过火了

过火[guò huǒ]
  1. 我想你们是玩过火了。

    I think you guys go too far .

  2. 但是有时我做得过火了

    Now , sometimes I go too far .

  3. 我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。

    I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back .

  4. 有些裸露场面被认为太过火了,不适合在百老汇上演。

    Some of the nude scenes were regarded as too hot for Broadway .

  5. 他的表演完全过火了。

    His performance is completely over the top .

  6. 他往往反应过火,急躁冲动。

    He tended to react in a heated and impetuous way .

  7. 我向来不给杂志写信,但是斯塔布斯先生最后做得太过火了。

    I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line

  8. 竞争可以是良性的,但如果太过火,就可能造成以强凌弱。

    Competition can be healthy , but if it is pushed too far it can result in bullying

  9. 玩笑开得过火了。

    That is carrying the joke too far .

  10. 表演过火,效果反而不好。

    Overacting will only spoil the effect .

  11. 玩笑开得有点儿过火,把他惹急眼了。

    He was rather annoyed by the inappropriate practical joke .

  12. 剧中的滑稽场面有些过火。

    The funny scenes in the play were overdone .

  13. 或许稍微脱离语境来看,皮亚杰的话有些过火。

    Perhaps , taken slightly out of context , Piaget 's statement seems harsh .

  14. 这通常被解释为一种迹象,说明如今的父母正试图以一种有些过火的方式和不当的行为来控制孩子的生活。

    This is usually interpreted as a sign that today 's parents are trying to manage their children 's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate .

  15. 他有时在剧中把他的角色演得过火了

    He sometimes overdoes his part in the play .

  16. toofar过头,过火,过分你太过分了!

    You have gone too far !

  17. 上周发生的AssayiiLake山火的过火面积继续扩散,目前已超过19平方英里。

    And last week so called a Assayii Lake Fire expanded to cover more than 19 square miles .

  18. 在GIS地面信息数据库支持下,利用这4种方法能准确、快速地计算出过火面积。

    The above methods , based on GIS database , to evaluate the burned area of forest fire are accurate and fast .

  19. 维尔吉尼娅·加西亚(VirginiaGarcia)说有人就朝她发过火。

    Virginia Garcia said she had been on the receiving end of such outbursts .

  20. 1987年5月份,在我国大兴安岭北部发生了特大森林火灾,过火面积达100万ha以上,引起国内外高度重视。

    The huge forest fire occurred in the North of Daxing ' anling in May 1987 , and destroyed more than one million hectares of forest .

  21. 只别做得太过火就行,比如突然出现在TA家门口之类的……寄一个不太贵重的小礼物是最好的选择。

    Just don 't go overboard with a nice gesture ; mailing something affordable rather than showing up at your buddy 's doorstep is your best bet .

  22. 通过这个可供选择的方法,包含了调整后的个人GDP的数据,可以看出巴西货币雷亚尔实在是被炒得过火了。比原料价值高出了100%(见下图)。

    This alternative recipe , with its adjustment for GDP per person , indicates that the Brazilian real is still badly overcooked , at more than 100 % too dear ( see lower chart ) .

  23. 但是这次,Siri似乎玩的有点过火,许多推特用户都无法相信。

    But this time , it seems Siri has gone too far and many Twitter users can 't believe the response .

  24. 里昂证券(CLSA)驻上海的经济学家安迪•罗斯曼(ANDYROTHMAN)表示:你可以说中国做得过火了。

    You can make the case that China overdid it , says Andy Rothman , an economist in Shanghai with CLSA , the brokerage .

  25. 遥感数据提取的过火区总面积为512.36万hm2,轻度、中度和重度火烧面积分别占38.18%、43.66%和18.16%。

    The total fire area was 512,360,000 hm2 , in the study period , and the light moderate and severe burned areas were 38.18 % 43.66 % and 18.16 % respectively .

  26. Megaro说:“不论是产品或颜色,一旦太过火都不会再有吸引力了。”

    Megaro says ," Too much , whether it be color or product , is never attractive !"

  27. 软件可以实现读取DEM数据,设置起火点、风速、大气湿度,加载小班数据,可视化模拟林火蔓延趋势,统计过火面积、火线长度和蔓延速度等功能。

    Its functions consists of reading DEM data , setting fire point , wind speed and direction and humidity , loading tree data , simulating fire spread with visibility , summing up the fired area and perimeter and calculating fire speed and so on .

  28. 氧指数试验燃烧模式和UL-94试验燃烧模式下复合材料属于表面过火型的燃烧,裂解不完全。

    In LOI test burning mode and UL-94 test burning mode the pyrolysis was incomplete , which belongs to the surface flame spread burning .

  29. 许多原班人马都将回归(包括TJ米勒和女主角莫瑞娜巴卡琳),你可以放心,续集中会有更多粗俗笑话和过火的暴力,正是这些让《死侍》不同于这个时代的其他超级英雄电影。

    Much of the same cast is returning ( T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin chief among them ) and you can be sure it will have more of the same crude jokes and over-the-top violence that made Deadpool unlike any other superhero movies of our time .

  30. 非国大的一些人认为,当他长途跋涉来到白人居住区拜访贝齐•维沃尔德(BetsyVerwoerd)的时候,他做得有些过火,因为她的丈夫亨德里克•维沃尔德(HendrikVerwoerd)为种族隔离制度奠定了理论基础,并实施了一些最严厉的种族隔离法律。

    Some in the ANC suggested he had gone too far when he travelled to a remote whites-only settlement to visit Betsy Verwoerd , whose husband Hendrik had provided the ideological underpinning of apartheid and enacted some of its most repressive laws .