
  • 网络overburn;overheating;burnt
  1. 不同点在于钢渣的生成温度比硅酸盐水泥熟料高200~300℃,矿物结晶致密而粗大,因此将钢渣称为过烧硅酸盐水泥熟料。

    The differences are that the formation temperature of steel slag is 200 ~ 300 ℃ higher than that of Portland cement clinker , and minerals of steel slag are more dense and coarse , so steel slag is always being called over burnt Portland cement clinker .

  2. 当回转炉内温度升高到约3000℉时,会生成“过烧”型、难溶级氧化镁产品。

    Temperatures reach as high as3000 ℉ in this type of kiln resulting in a " hard burned " MgO that is very slowly soluble .

  3. LD2、LD(31)合金铸锭均匀化及过烧研究

    Research about homogenizing and Overburning of ld_2 and ld_ ( 31 ) alloy ingot

  4. 采用固相反应法用不同的烧结速率在1850℃烧结合成过烧钇铝石榴石(YAG)陶瓷,YAG陶瓷晶界形貌随烧结速率的变化而不同。

    Oversintered YAG ceramics were synthesized at different sintering rates by solid-state reaction method at1850 ℃, and the morphology of YAG ceramics grain boundary changed with different heating rates .

  5. 结果表明,Mg和Cu在界面的富集致使复合材料的固溶温度和过烧温度均低于基体合金。

    The results show that the solution and over heating temperature of this material are lower than those of the base alloy because of the segregation of Mg and Cu to SiCp / 6066Al interfaces .

  6. 复合材料成型工艺中辅助材料的应用选用CaO含量大于75%的过烧石灰,配合一定量的辅助材料,研制无声破碎剂。

    This paper describes the process of developing soundless cracking agent by mixing over-burnt lime with CaO content over 75 % and a certain quantity of auxiliary material .

  7. 利用本文介绍的方法,不但可以检测烧结矿FeO的含量,而且还可以检测混合料水分的大小、布料的均匀度、过烧及欠烧。

    The method not only can be used for monitoring FeO content . but also for monitoring mixture moisture , feed uniformity , overfiring and insufficient firing .

  8. 采用DTA差热分析、显微组织分析的方法,对新型耐热铝合金Al-Cu-Mg-Ag挤压棒材的过烧温度进行了研究,确定了该合金的固溶处理温度。

    The overheat temperature of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy extrusion bar was studied by DTA and microstructure analysis . The solution heat treatment temperature of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy was obtained .

  9. 对烧结炉中20g钢冷却管爆裂所进行的检验确认爆裂原因是冷却水量小及水质差引起堵塞,造成过热过烧。

    The bursting of 20g steel for cooling pipe in sintering furnace was the result of pipe blocking , over-heating and over-burning caused by inferior water quality and inadequate water quantity .

  10. 本文研究了ZL205A合金过烧组织特征与固溶温度及时间的关系,对T5状态过烧组织性能的影响。

    In this paper the effects of solution treatment temperature and time on the overheating structure characteristics and the tensile properties of alloys in T5 condition have been studied .

  11. 高速钢过热与过烧组织讨论

    A Discussion on the Superheat and Overheat Microstructures of High-speed Steel

  12. 套圈锻造过烧导致的轴承早期失效

    Bearing Advanced - failure Caused by Forging Superheat of Ring

  13. 车身覆盖件的三维激光切割转角过烧的研究

    The research on process of three dimensional laser cutting about body panels

  14. 得出了完全再结晶温度和开始过烧温度。

    The fully recrystallization temperature and the on-set overheated temperature have also been obtained .

  15. 过烧氧化镁的水化及其对混凝土自生体积变形的影响

    Hydration of excessively combusted magnesium oxide and its influence on autogenous volume change of concrete

  16. 形变过烧&一个值得探讨的课题

    Deformation Burning & a problem worth Discussing

  17. 轴承套圈锻造过烧的超声波检验

    Ultrasonic Inspection of Bearing Ring Forge Burning

  18. 指出欠烧或过烧菱苦土的采用是造成氯氧镁水泥硬化体胀裂的根本原因。

    The result shows that the cause of fracturing is under-burning or over-burning of magnesia .

  19. 你发过烧吗?

    Did you run any temperature ?

  20. 过烧温度均为580℃;

    Over heating temperature is 580 ℃;

  21. 高速钢件过烧、裂纹和硬度的快速无损检测

    Rapidly Nondestructive Testing of the Overburning , the Cracks and the Hardness of the High-speed Steel Parts

  22. 75t/h锅炉水冷壁过烧变形分析及处理措施

    Analysis of Deformation Due to Overburning of Water Cooling Walls of 75t / h Boilers and Treatment Measures

  23. 氮化扩散层和氧化层:可以提高模具耐溶损性、耐过烧性、耐粘着性和耐热裂性。

    Nitriding and oxidation : diffusion layer and oxidation layer improve soldering resistance , adhesion resistance and crack resistance .

  24. 辊式成形在成形过程中产生氧化物容易产生过烧缺陷,同时使用的润滑剂也降低了焊缝质量。

    The over-burn defect is easy to produce during forming process of roller forming , and the weld quality reduced due to usage of lubricant .

  25. 高合金钢焊缝根部的“过烧”虽然未被相关焊接规程定义为缺陷,但实际上对焊接管道的使用寿命有极大的影响。

    Although root over-burn of high alloy steel welding lines is not defined as defect by welding regulations , it significantly affects the life of welded pipes .

  26. 结果表明,引起断坯的主要原因是热轧厂步进炉中局部温度过高产生的过烧现象。

    Results show that the fractures are primarily caused by over firing due to local over heating inside the walk beam reheating furnace at the Hot Rolling Mill .

  27. 分析了铜合金制品常见缺陷的产生原因,如:裂纹和开裂、气泡和起皮、过热和过烧等。

    The reasons of familiar defects in copper alloy products are analyzed , such as crack and craze , bubble and skin raising , over-heated and over-melted , and etc.

  28. 深入研究了快速原型加工层面中局部小区域数据给原型加工带来的局部过烧问题,分析了小面域边界补偿后扫描路径重叠的几何特性,充分论证了过烧区域判别的必要性。

    The problem is deep into studied that bring of the small region data processing in rapid prototyping manufacture . The necessity of distinguish the over burning regions is dis-cussed .

  29. 在激光烧结过程中产生的诸如飞溅、气化、球化、过烧、翘曲变形以及体积收缩等不良现象,也是需要继续解决的问题。

    Problems , such as splash , gasification , spheroidizing , overheating , warping deformation and volume contraction etc. , occurred in the laser sintering process need to be resolved .

  30. 为防止大气门毛坯在热镦粗过程中产生的折叠、过烧等缺陷,在设计设备时改变了原有的液压控制和电气控制原理。

    Original control principle of hydraulic and electric system have been changed in de-sign of equipment to avoid defects such as folding , burning etc produced in upsetting of large air valve preform .