
  • 网络filtering software
  1. 美国驻北京官员正游说中国相关部门取消相关规定,即在中国境内销售的所有电脑都要预装互联网过滤软件绿坝(GreenDam)。

    US officials based in Beijing are lobbying Chinese counterparts to drop a requirement that computers sold in the country carry internet filtering software called Green Dam .

  2. 去年,在公众的强烈反对下,北京方面被迫放弃在每台新出售的个人电脑上安装绿坝(GreenDam)过滤软件的企图。谷歌与中国看来更有可能达成某种妥协。

    Last year a public backlash forced it to abandon attempts to install Green Dam filtering software in every new PC. Some kind of compromise looks more likely than not .

  3. 该种方法可应用于软件运行状态监控、IE广告过滤软件助手制作等领域。

    This method can be applied in monitoring the state of software operation , software assistance of IE advertisement filter .

  4. 本文实现了NIOSii启动微码、报文转发、数据包过滤软件模块设计。

    We have designed and finished the software module development , including boot microcode of Nios II 、 packet forwarding and filtrating .

  5. 个人电脑制造商接到通知:从本周三起,中国境内销售的所有电脑都必须预装互联网过滤软件。而谷歌(Google)则被勒令中止通过其中国本地网站访问境外网站的服务。

    PC makers have been told to add internet filtering software to every machine sold in the country from Wednesday and Google has been ordered to cut off access to foreign websites from its local Chinese service .

  6. 本文从特定的角度来研究过滤软件。

    This article looks at filtering software from a particular perspective .

  7. 用过滤软件,我们可以分解看。

    With the filters , we can tell them apart .

  8. 另一个例子是臭名昭著的“绿霸”互联网过滤软件。

    A bigger case involved the notorious Green Dam Internet filtering software .

  9. 这个截屏显示了在中国推广的绿坝内容过滤软件。

    This screen shot shows the Green Dam content filtering software distributed in China .

  10. 高级法院则认为过滤软件技术可以更好地保护儿童。

    The high court ruled that technology such as filtering software may better protect children .

  11. 澳大利亚打算引入可以禁止登录含有犯罪内容网站的过滤软件。

    Australia intends to introduce filters which will ban access to websites containing criminal content .

  12. 由此一来,垃圾邮件过滤软件的生产商也会削弱这方面的业务。

    So the companies doing spam filters would be killing that part of their own business .

  13. 提出了客户端邮件过滤软件的缺失问题,基于此设计了一个客户端邮件过滤系统。

    For the problems ofe-mail filtering software is absent , a client e-mail filtering system is proposed .

  14. ..“本周,中国推迟了要求在所有新购个人电脑上安装网络过滤软件的命令。

    This week , China delayed an order to require Internet-filtering software in all new personal computers .

  15. 中国推迟了其一项富有争议的政策的实施,该政策要求计算机厂商在其所有新电脑中安装过滤软件。

    China has delayed the launch of its controversial policy to force manufacturers to install filtering software on all new computers .

  16. 另一个不太引人注意的网站个人化的手段是协作过滤软件,它驻留在网站中,跟踪用户动向。

    A less obvious means of Web personalization is collaborative-filtering software that resides on a Web site and tracks users ' movements .

  17. 2009年,中国表示,所有进口到中国的电脑都必须预装名为绿坝-花季护航的过滤软件。

    In 2009 , China said all computers imported to the country must come with filtering software called Green Dam-Youth Escort preinstalled .

  18. 把政府支持的过滤软件延伸到千家万户的桌面上,这个主意有点过分,是一种令人发寒的社会与政治控制工具。

    The idea of government - sponsored filters on the desktop is a step too far , a chilling tool of social and political control .

  19. 黑名单服务和大多数网站过滤软件均存在类似局限,有可能让一些不适当内容溜进去,或是可能屏蔽了完全无害的网站。

    Both blacklist services and most website filtering software suffer from similar limitations and run the risk of letting some inappropriate content slip through or of blocking perfectly innocent sites .

  20. 中国因采用一系列互联网管制手段而受到批评,其中包括过滤软件,要求用户和网吧购买许可证,以及禁止网吧等。

    China has been criticized for a combination of Internet control measures , including filtering software , requiring users and Internet cafes to purchase licenses , and banning Internet caf é s.

  21. 当你要申请一个大公司的岗位时,你的简历非常有可能会被一个过滤软件扫描。这个软件会检索那些和空缺的岗位有关的关键词。

    When you apply for a job at a larger firm , there 's a high chance that your resume will be scanned by a filtering software for words related to certain job vacancies .

  22. 不要把你的联系信息放在你简历的页眉,因为过滤软件可能会被设定为无视页眉、页脚,所以如果这么做,你将冒着你的信息被删除的危险。

    Do not place your contact information in the header of your resume , because filtering softwares can be set to ignore headers and footers so there is a risk this information will be deleted .

  23. 摘要:中国已同意推迟实施新规定,即从今天起,个人电脑制造商在该国所有的新电脑上都要预装有争议的网络过滤软件,此前这项要求在中国国内外引发了一波抗议声浪。

    China has agreed to delay today 's deadline for personal computer makers to put controversial internet filtering software on all new computers in the country following a storm of protests at home and abroad .

  24. 大多数过滤软件能让您将受拒的消息保存在临时文件夹中,等待您去查看&但如果需要查看的文件夹中充斥着大量的垃圾邮件,那么这个软件的实用性会因此而削弱。

    Most filtering software allows you to save rejected messages in temporary folders pending review & but if you need to review a folder full of spam , the usefulness of the software is thereby reduced .

  25. 本文旨在介绍交换机信令转换设备中的输入任务处理程序&取样和过滤软件功能模块的作用和设计思想。

    The purpose of this article is that introducing the task program for input handle with signalling coverter equipment in exchange , which the function and the devising method of the software model for sample and filter .

  26. 基于Click系统的包过滤防火墙软件路由器

    Software Router with Packet-filtering Firewall Based on Click System

  27. 经操作员和软件支持业务人员(SSF)现场测试,对发现、过滤的软件故障进行确认,生成S2级的软件系统问题变更报告(PCR)。

    Operators and Software Support Facility ( SSF ) conducted on-site tests and validated those found and filtered software failures , generated S2 level software system Problem Change Reports ( PCR ) .

  28. 该公司在开发“协同过滤”软件并向顾客提供推荐服务方面是业界先锋。

    It was a pioneer in developing " collaborative filtering " software to make recommendations to shoppers .

  29. 对于所有未经请求的商务邮件,多数人都会使用“垃圾邮件过滤”软件予以过滤,以确保那些可能是垃圾邮件的信息被删除或者被拖到垃圾文件夹。

    With all the unsolicited commercial email being sent , most people are now protected by " spam filters ," software which identifies probable spam messages to be deleted or dumped into junk mail folders .

  30. 对网上内容过滤技术、软件产品的发展现状、前景及面临的问题进行较全面的阐述。

    The content filtering technology , the developing actuality and prospect of software products , and the existing problems are discussed in details .