
  • 网络judicial integrity
  1. 深入开展道德领域突出问题专项教育和治理,加强政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设。

    We should carry out thorough education to address serious ethical problems , and step up efforts to enhance government integrity , business and social ethics and judicial integrity .

  2. 司法公信和权威的首要基础,是人民大众尤其是具体案件当事人对司法公正的认同和理解。

    The most important foundation of the judicial authority is the mass , especially the litigant 's approval and understanding .

  3. 在政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信、司法公信四个重点建设领域中,作为先导和示范的政务诚信,无疑是诚信建设的首要任务。

    The government integrity is the pilot and demonstration of business credit , public integrity , and judicial credibility . So it is the primary task of the construction of honesty and faith .

  4. 陪审团制度具有保障公民自由,提高司法公信的作用,这一制度自身的特点以及我国当前的社会环境都使其在中国有发展的空间。

    The people 's jury system plays roles in protecting citizens ' freedom and promoting juridical justice , the characteristics of which and our present social environment make it possible for it to develop and extend in Chi - na .

  5. 但随着案情的披露以及再审程序的启动,所暴露出的问题更是将司法的公信置于尴尬的境地。

    But as the merits of disclosure and the retrial , exposes problems is the judicial public faith in the awkward position of .

  6. 必须正确认识制度权威、法律权威与法院权威、法官权威之间的关系,实现司法公正、司法公信和司法权威之间的良性互动,以确保司法目的的实现。

    The relationship between system authority , law authority and court authority , and judges'authority must be correctly understood to realize positive interactions between judicial impartiality , judicial public faith , and judicial authority to guarantee the realization of judicial purposes .

  7. 我们应当认真分析我国司法公信力的现状及原因,积极探索构建司法公信体系的途径。

    We must earnestly analyze the status and cause of the judicatory public credit power in China , actively explore the approach to construct the system of the judicatory public credit .

  8. 立法的缺失以及司法解释的模糊,导致实践中存在诸多困惑,造成司法审判工作尺度不统一,极大地损害了司法公信和权威,理论界也存在较大争议。

    The lack of legislation and judicial interpretation of vague , resulting in practice , there are many confused , resulting in the administration of justice scales are not uniform , greatly damaged the the judicial public trust and authority , theoretical circles there is considerable controversy .

  9. 在倡导和谐司法、构建和谐社会的大背景下,研究民间习俗的司法运用问题,对于裁判有效化解矛盾、实现社会认同、提升司法公信具有重要的现实意义。

    Against the general background where harmonious judicial administration and social life are aimed , study on the application of folk conventions on the judicial aspect is of substantial practical significance in resolving conflicts , realizing social recognition and upgrading judicial authority .