
  1. 新法规划定了各的职责,了反走私工作的考核和问责制度,制定了举报者的奖励和保护措施的机制。

    The new regulation outlines departmental duties , an anti-smuggling assessment and accountability system , whistle-blower rewards and protection , as well as grassroots participation .

  2. 安监官员们开通举报热线,网站链接,还有举报奖励等等,试图弥补制度缺陷。

    Work-safety officials are trying to fill the gap with hot lines , a Web site link , and even rewards to informants .

  3. 条款包括对举报者的国家保护,以及依法举报的奖励&在一个越来越喜欢打官司的社会中,如中国,这是一个强烈的激励。

    The provisions include state protection for whistle-blowers , as well as rewards for bringing legitimate cases – a strong incentive in an increasingly litigious society such as China 's.