
  • 网络Weightlifting Team
  1. 中国举重队备战、参赛北京残奥会的心理训练

    Mental Training for the Weightlifting Team of China before the Beijing Paralympics Games

  2. 中国体操队、举重队备战、参赛北京奥运会的心理训练

    Mental Training of China Gymnastics Team and Weightlifting Team for Beijing Olympic Games

  3. EMS技术在国家举重队奥运攻关与科技服务中的应用研究

    Research on Application of EMS Technique in Tackling Key Problems of Olympic Games in Chinese National Weightlifting Team

  4. 他的力量是举重队的财富。

    His strength is a great asset to the weight lifting team .

  5. 中国残疾人举重队备战世锦赛集训技术攻关研究

    Research on the Camp Training of Chinese Handicapped Weightlifting Team for World Championship

  6. 官方已经将她选入2020年东京奥运会女子举重队。

    Officials have selected her for the women 's weightlifting team for Tokyo 2020 .

  7. 广西男子举重队的成绩分析

    The Result Analysis for Guangxi Male Weightlifting Team

  8. 2008年残奥会备战期间国家残疾举重队部分血液指标的变化规律

    The Fluctuation Trend of Certain Blood Components of National Disability Weightlifting Athletes During the Training Period Before 2008 Paralympics

  9. 俄罗斯举重队因为一再违规使用兴奋剂,也面临里约禁赛的前景。

    The Russian weightlifting team are also facing the prospect of a ban from Rio after repeated anti-doping violations .

  10. 在举重队厨房干了三年多的粗活后,她被要求离开。

    After three years of menial jobs in the women 's weightlifting team 's kitchen , she was asked to leave .

  11. 八金壮举,举世无双五菱汽车携手中国国家举重队共举梦想未来。

    With eight Olympic gold medals , unparalleled in the world , Wuling vehicles join hands with China 's weightlifting team to creat a greater future .

  12. 在这届奥运会中,中国举重队在举重8个级别的项目中获得了7金1银的好成绩。

    In this Olympics , the Chinese weightlifting team has won 7 gold and 1 silver in a total of 8 levels of men and women .

  13. 通过采集湖南省举重队8名运动员在等动练习时的表面肌电信号和对实验的观察,研究应用积分肌电评价运动员力量素质的可行性。

    Through observing and contrasting the surface EMG signal and other data in 8 Hunan weight-lifting athletes ' Isokinetic exercise , this paper aims to study the feasibility of estimating the strength ability by integrate EMG .

  14. 运用肌电测试仪对江苏省女子举重队现役队员的抓举技术动作进行分析,选取8块在抓举过程中具有代表性的浅层骨骼肌在抓举过程做同步肌电测量。

    Aiming at the athletes in Jiangsu female weightlifting team , using the knowledge of myoelectricity tester , this article analyzes their technique . The article chooses 8 representative skeletal muscles in the sports of squat snatch .

  15. 实践证明,中国残疾人举重队在雅典残奥会上获得5金4银6铜的优异成绩昭示了准备雅典残奥会的训练是成功的,技术是规范的、标准的、世界一流的。

    The truth that Chinese paralympic weight-lifting team winning 5 golden , 4 silver and 6 bronze medals on Athens Paralympic Games showed that the training of preparing for Paralympic Games is successful and techniques of weight-lifting are normal , standard and best in the world .