
jǔ guó
  • the whole nation;the whole country;entire nation;throughout the country
举国 [jǔ guó]
  • [the whole nation] 整个国家

  • 举国欢庆

举国[jǔ guó]
  1. 举国哀悼总统的去世。

    The whole nation mourned the passing of its president .

  2. 举国哀恸。

    The whole nation was overwhelmed by sorrow .

  3. 在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。

    Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations .

  4. 举国都在为她的逝世哀悼。

    The whole country mourned her death .

  5. 动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。

    The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing

  6. 举国仍在哀悼之际,南非新任总统也表达了自己的怀念之情。

    As the nation continued to mourn , the new President of South Africa paid his own tribute .

  7. 这是个举国欢庆的时刻。

    This is an occasion for the whole country to celebrate .

  8. 这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。

    It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system , marking a great step forward in China 's space industry . This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system .

  9. 奥巴马(obama)政府与商界日益紧张的关系引起了举国关注。

    The growing tension between the Obama administration and business is a cause for national concern .

  10. 中国CBA篮球联赛(ChineseBasketballAssociation,下文称CBA)已经经历了十一个赛季的洗礼,在不断摸索和改革中前行,取得了举国瞩目的成绩。

    Chinese Basketball Association , ( as follows called CBA ) which has already experienced 11 seasons ' baptisms , obtains the world-renowned result .

  11. 本周一,印度迎来了本国历史(History)上首枚个人项目(program)奥运金牌,举国民众不敢相信,却为之欢欣鼓舞&同一时间也为打破板球运动独霸印度的局面带来一线希望(hope)。

    India 's first ever individual Olympic gold medal won on Monday was greeted at home with disbelief and joy & as well as renewed hope the country could break with its total obsession with cricket .

  12. 尽管曾经令人动容的举国哀悼场面将不会重现,但在10年之后,威尔士王妃戴安娜(Diana,PrincessofWales)之死仍然拥有吸引全球关注的力量。

    The staggering outpouring of collective grief will not resurface but , 10 years on , the death of Diana , Princess of Wales , still has the power to attract global interest .

  13. 前南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉曾独具匠心地设计了南非举国共同的体验,带领这个种族分裂的国家在1995年橄榄球世界杯(1995WorldCup)上同心协力地支持南非橄榄球队Springboks。

    Former South African President Nelson Mandela brilliantly manufactured a shared national experience when he brought a racially divided nation together to support its rugby team , the Springboks , in the 1995 World Cup .

  14. 那时正值印度举国庆祝圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)诞辰的前夕,选择这时间点似乎是为减少印度民众批评政府向西方社会压力低头的可能性。

    the eve of the national celebration of Mahatma Gandhi 's birthday - apparently an effort to limit domestic criticism that India is bowing to Western pressure .

  15. 驻京记者SamGrant为我们报道这一消息在中国掀起了怎样的狂喜浪潮。我在中国呆过一段时间,知道只要是中国人晋级决赛或类似的事件,中国必定会举国欢呼。

    Sam Grant is in Beijing to tell us more about the excitement that this is all generating I know stand from my time in China that whenever the Chinese reached the final that anything like this , the country can go kind of a little nuts .

  16. 波兰举国悼念飞机失事中遇难的总统波兰各地城市周日下午默哀两分钟,悼念该国总统卡钦斯基(LechKaczynski)和几十位其他高级官员,这些人上周六在俄罗斯因飞机失事遇难。

    Poland Mourns After President Is Killed In Plane Crash Cities across Poland fell silent for two minutes Sunday afternoon as the country remembered President Lech Kaczynski and the dozens of other top officials who were killed in a plane crash in Russia Saturday .

  17. 对后奥运我国竞技体育举国体制的思考

    On the National System of Sports in China after 2008 Olympic

  18. 竞技体育举国体制的发展对策研究

    Research on Development and Countermeasure of Whole Country System of Sports

  19. 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。

    National Day , the National Day , celebrating the country .

  20. 西班牙政府已宣布举国哀悼三天。

    The Spanish government has announced three days of national mourning .

  21. 我国竞技体育举国体制的内涵及历史发展

    Connotation and Historical Development of the Competitive Sports System in China

  22. 举国惊悉他遭暗害。

    The whole nation heard with astonishment that he was murdered .

  23. 后奥运时代我国举国体制的完善方向

    Perfection of " the Whole Nation System " in post-Olympic era

  24. 对社会转型期“举国体制”的思考

    The Consider to the Whole Country System in Society Transformation Period

  25. 举国体制下发展竞技体育职业化的思考

    On the Professionalism Development of Competitive Sports Under the Whole-Nation System

  26. 关于建立和完善新型举国体制的理论思考

    Thought on theories of establishing and perfecting the new national system

  27. 原有的举国体制出现了利益分化;

    Interest differentiation had occurred to the original nationwide system ;

  28. 他的胜利正是举国期待的有力回击

    His victory is the comeback the whole country needs .

  29. 他从默默无闻一下子变成举国成名。

    He came from out of nowhere into national fame .

  30. 举国人民和英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔告别。

    And Britain is saying goodbye to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .