
  • 网络Presley;Elvis Presley;lisa marie presley
  1. 他把埃尔维斯∙普雷斯利模仿得惟妙惟肖。

    He does a great Elvis Presley .

  2. 其他的稀罕事包括对普雷斯利的采访。

    Other rarities include an interview with Presley .

  3. 在人生的最后阶段,猫王普雷斯利的歌曲大不如前,通常近乎于自我嘲弄。

    By the end of his life , Presley 's vocals often descended close to self-parody .

  4. 当天下午,普雷斯利的未婚妻金格儿·阿尔登(GingerAlden)在浴室地板上发现了他的尸体。

    That afternoon Presley was found on his bathroom floor by fianc é e , Ginger Alden .

  5. 1972年,普雷斯利和比柳分居,1973年10月,二人离婚。

    They separated in February of1972 and were divorced in October of1973 .

  6. 我觉得我更喜欢埃尔维斯。普雷斯利唱的歌。

    I think I like Elvis Presley 's songs better .

  7. 这条普雷斯利餐巾,那歌星告别演唱会的纪念品。

    The Presley napkin , a memento of the singer 's farewell concert .

  8. 我现在回到那间屋子,还看到了埃维斯。普雷斯利。

    I come into the house now , and I see Elvis presley .

  9. 普雷斯利是这群斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的希望,可以给予它们很迫切需要的不同基因。

    Presley offered the opportunity to inject some much-needed genetic diversity into the population .

  10. 当然,我指的不是别人,正是猫王埃尔维斯-普雷斯利。

    I am , of course , referring to none other than Elvis Presley .

  11. 毫无疑问,普雷斯利震惊了美国的成人世界。

    Of course Presley horrified adult America .

  12. 无论是象征意义上或是实际上,普雷斯利的死都是对保育界的努力的一大打击。

    Presley 's death is a blow to conservation efforts in both a symbolic and literal sense .

  13. 后来,当普雷斯利服役完毕,她就跟着他来到孟菲斯居住。

    Later , after Elvis had finished his army service , she came to live with him in Memphis .

  14. 根据医学研究者的说法,普雷斯利“在死前曾被绊倒或挣扎着爬行了几英尺”。

    According to the medical investigator , Presley had " stumbled or crawled several feet before he died " ;

  15. 普雷斯利死后33年间所创造价值的三分之二。

    That 's nearly two thirds of what Elvis Presley 's estate had made in the33 YEARS following his death .

  16. 而对于英国成年人来说,温斯顿·邱吉尔成为他们心目中的最大的英雄,埃尔维斯·普雷斯利紧随其后。

    Among the general population , Winston Churchill was named the UK 's top hero , followed by Elvis Presley .

  17. 我们本来就不该结婚,普雷斯利说,这是个大错误。

    We shouldn 't have been married in the first place , Presley said . It was a big mistake .

  18. 他通过听埃尔维斯?普雷斯利和查克?贝里等早期摇滚歌王的音乐,自学吉他。

    Harrison taught himself guitar by listening to early rock @ n @ roll heroes such as Elvis Presley and chuck berry .

  19. 比柳是一名美国空军警官的女儿,1956年,年仅14岁的比柳第一次见到普雷斯利。

    Priscilla Beaulieu was the 14-year-old daughter of an American air force officer when , in 1959 , she first met Army sergeant Elvis Presley .

  20. 但是,或许最有意思的会面发生在1965年——甲壳虫拜访摇滚乐之父,猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利。

    But perhaps the most interesting meet-up took place in 1965 , when The Beatles visited the King of Rock and Roll himself , Elvis Presley .

  21. 有报告指出,普雷斯利影响了2011年的动画影片《里约大冒险》。那是有关一只雄性的斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的故事。

    There are reports that Presley himself influenced the 2011 movie Rio , an animated film that tells the tale of a lone male Spix 's macaw .

  22. 我是一个绅士同时也非常有热情浪漫。他们一见钟情,一向绅士的普雷斯利苦苦等候了她八年,直到她到了能结婚的年龄。

    It was love at first sight , but the ever-gentlemanly Elvis courted Priscilla for a respectable eight years , waiting until she came of age before escorting her to the altar .

  23. 至20世纪50年代中期,猫王普雷斯利作为一个演唱摇滚音乐时性感地扭臀的年轻人而举世闻名。

    By the middle of the1950 's , Elvis Presley was known around the world as the young man who moved his hips in a sexual way as he sang rock and roll music .

  24. 这是一只斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,名叫普雷斯利。周三那天它离世了,约四十岁,被认为是世上最后倒数第二只野生斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉。

    The bird was a Spix 's macaw named Presley , and he was around 40 years old when he died Wednesday . He was thought to be the second-to-last of the remaining wild-born parrots .

  25. 普雷斯利没有感到太唐突,甚至缓和了紧张的气氛,他说到,“如果你们几个就只是四处坐下来盯着我,那我就去睡了。”打破了僵硬的场面,大家都放松了,过得很愉快。

    Presley wasn 't too offended and even managed to ease the tension when he said , " If you guys are just going to sit around and stare at me , I 'm going to bed . " With the ice broken , everyone loosened up and had a better time .