
  1. 他漫不经心地拿起那块玻璃条,把它举到灯前。

    He took the strip of glass indifferently , and raised it toward the lamp .

  2. 老仆人约瑟夫躺在地板上死了。我举着灯,把房间的每一个角落都看遍了。

    The servant Josef was on the floor-dead ! I held up the light and looked in every corner of the room .

  3. 阿尔奇在床边低低地举着灯照亮,同时用一个骨节肿大的手指放在艾希礼的手腕子上。

    Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley 's wrist .