
  1. 深紫红色,台阁型。瓣基黑紫,花朵直上,花蕾圆尖。叶中长尖,深绿色。叶柄硬,斜生。株型直立

    Mulberry , multi_petalled ; upright flowers with black_purple base , flat round buds , medium_sized narrow leaves in dark green , stiff , slanting leaf stalks .

  2. 乔治戴着眼镜和长尖帽,他可不胖。

    George wears glasses and a long hat-he is not chubby .

  3. 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚

    Cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle

  4. 银红色。叶长尖密,黄绿色,株形开张,分枝力强。花期中。

    Silver red , lotus-shaped ; short stems , dense narrow leaves in yellowish green , open , freely branching , medium flowering .

  5. 用来作为扣件或固定器的长的尖的东西。

    Any long sharp-pointed object used as a fastener or holder .

  6. 大部分是白色的水鸟,翅膀长而尖,腿短。

    Mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs .

  7. 野猪的叫声变得又长又尖。

    The boar 's note changed to a squeal .

  8. 那个动物长着尖鼻子,脸上好像戴了一个强盗面具。

    The animal had a pointed nose and seemed to wear robber 's mask .

  9. 有又长又尖的鱼鳍。

    With spiky , jagged fins .

  10. 广泛分布的十肢头足类动物,游动迅速,身体长而尖,有三角形尾鳍。

    Widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins .

  11. 东半球滨鸟,翅膀长而尖,腿短;与走鸻近缘。

    Old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs ; closely related to the coursers .

  12. 长着尖脸的小个子马掌匠最爱和屠户过不去。

    The farrier , a small man with a sharp face , always enjoyed disagreeing with the butcher .

  13. 任何尾巴有点方且成叉形、翅膀长而尖的燕子;大约在圣马丁节前后迁移。

    Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings ; migrate around Martinmas .

  14. 东半球干旱地区象鸽子的鸟,翅膀和尾巴长而尖,幼体刚孵出便覆有绒毛。

    Pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young .

  15. 被宠坏了的王子长成了一个可怕的生物,有着肮脏的皮毛,长而尖的牙和锋利的爪子。

    The spoiled prince had grown into a horrible creature , with filthy fur , long fangs , and sharp claws .

  16. 一些研究已经表明碳纳米管可能具有相似的效果&因为它们长且尖,如同石棉。

    Some studies have suggested carbon nanotubes might have similar effects & because they 're long and spiky , like asbestos .

  17. 一些研究已经表明碳纳米管可能具有相似的效果——因为它们长且尖,如同石棉。

    Some studies have suggested carbon nanotubes might have similar effects - because they 're long and spiky , like asbestos .

  18. 鹰科的几种小而优雅的鹰,有长而尖的翅膀,以昆虫和小动物为食。

    Any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals .

  19. 脆的长而尖的叶子,有点苦味。由于是固定的支承点,死顶尖必须润滑。

    Crisp spiky leaves with somewhat bitter taste . The dead center , being a stationary bearing point , must be lubricated .

  20. 绿色的球体,直径约2英寸(5厘米),满身又长又尖的针叶。

    The green spheres , measuring about 2 inches ( 5 centimeters ) across , are covered with long , sharp spines .

  21. 它有长而尖的叶子,水稻秆尾部的种子就是我们所吃的大米。

    It has long , pointed leaves and the seeds at the end of the rice stalks are the rice grains that we eat .

  22. 面部的纹身和又长又尖的耳朵使高等精灵看起来很像暗夜精灵,但是白色的皮肤和金色的头发则是高等精灵的特征。

    The facial tattoo and the shape of the ears are very night elfish , but the white skin and blonde hair are very high elfish .

  23. 大型的软体昆虫,雄性有细长的下颚;其水栖幼虫经常被用作鱼饵。温暖水域中有着又长又尖的无牙颚部的巨大猎用鱼。

    Large soft-bodied insect having long slender mandibles in the male ; aquatic larvae often used as bait . giant warm-water game fish having a prolonged and rounded toothless upper jaw .

  24. 那是一种长而尖的小东西,身上长出几十支手臂,上面班盖着绿色之物,而且以每两秒钟一寸的速度增大。

    It was a little , spiky thing that threw out dozens of arms and covered these arms with green and grew larger at the rate of about an inch every two seconds .

  25. 在估算紧密编队飞行中长机翼尖涡对僚机的影响时,本文在所用到涡模型中也考虑了由空气粘性引起的涡流随时间的衰减效应。

    We also consider the effect of vortex decay over time caused by the viscidity of atmosphere in our vortex model in estimating the vortex effect experienced during the close proximity formation flight .

  26. 隼隼科的一种捕食鸟,尤指隼属鸟,有短而弯曲的喙,适合快速飞翔的又长又尖的强劲双翼。

    Any of various birds of prey of the family Falconidae and especially of the genus falco , having a short , curved beak and long , pointed , powerful wings adapted for swift flight .

  27. 然后就可以将有效风分量与风梯度引入到标准的六自由度飞机运动学和动力学非线性方程组中计算出长机翼尖涡对僚机动力学的影响。

    Then , the effective wind components and gradients are introduced into the standard six-DOF nonlinear aircraft kinematics equations and dynamics equations to determine the effects on the follower 's dynamics induced by the wingtip vortex of leader aircraft .

  28. 它那没装嵌板的。开旷的舷墙四周都被装饰得象个连绵的下颌,用长而尖的抹香鲸齿嵌在那里当作缚住它那些旧麻绳的栓子。

    All round , her unpanelled , open bulwarks were garnished like one continuous jaw , with the long sharp teeth of the sperm whale , inserted there for pins , to fasten her old hempen thews and tendons to .

  29. 它一旦离巢去找荆棘树,就一定要找到才肯罢休,它把自己钉在最长最尖的刺上,在蓁蓁树枝间婉转啼鸣。

    From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree , and does not rest until it has found one . Then , singing among the savage branches , it impales itself upon the longest , sharpest spine .

  30. 一些声音总能勾起我对往事的回忆,比如说:妈妈的茶壶烧开水时发出的又长又尖的高声鸣叫,地下室里洗衣机发出的隆隆轰鸣声以及我的小狗欢跳着下楼迎接我时脖子上的小牌发出的叮当声。

    Some sounds bring it all back : the high-pitched squeal of my mother 's teakettle , the rumble of the washing machine in the basement , the jangle of my dog 's license tags as she bounded down the stairs to greet me .