
  • 网络Straight groove;straight slot;vertical slot
  1. 直槽槽轮机构的改进及其在食品机械中的应用

    Improvement of straight slot Geneva mechanism and its applications to food processing machinery

  2. 弹性直槽式摆盘发动机的动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis of wobble-plate engine restricted by elastic straight groove mechanism

  3. 直槽与斜槽式永磁无刷电动机的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of straight and skewed slot permanent magnet brushless motor

  4. 直槽流动失稳过程数值模拟的可视化

    Visualization of Numerical Simulations of Straight Channel Flow

  5. 沥青路面结构室内直槽试验验证的研究

    Laboratory study on the asphalt pavement structure

  6. 该模型首先用于直槽道内的湍流运动的数值模拟。

    The turbulent flow in a straight channel was numerically simulated with LES of algebraic modelling .

  7. 本文讨论了由柱面反射镜和直槽环面光栅组成的掠入射单色器。

    A grating monochromator combined by a cylindrical mirror and a straight groove toroidal grating is discussed .

  8. 本文还附有前角直槽滚刀齿形的计算公式和实例。

    The paper also gives the formulas and example for the design of gear hob with straight flute and rake angle .

  9. 该机型综合了双带式铸机和直槽式铸机的优点,铸坯质量符合热轧薄材的要求。

    The TBCC possesses advantages of twin chain caster and virtical slot caster , The quality of cast products is good for hot rolling .

  10. 在直槽铣削加工实验中,还考察了铣刀的每齿进给量对槽底表面粗糙度的影响,并对其进行了分析。

    In the slot milling experiments , also investigates the effect of feed per tooth on the bottom surface roughness and analyzes the result .

  11. 采用粒子图像测速技术,对直槽和弯槽中圆柱周围近区表层的速度分布进行了测量。

    By applying particle image velocimetry ( PIV ) technique , velocity fields around the bridge pier are measured carefully in frank and bend trough .

  12. 对比结果表明,本文中建立的刀具磨损预测模型对喷管直槽的加工具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

    The comparison result indicates that the tool life prediction model established in this thesis is of certain reference value and guiding significance for the machining of nozzle straight grooves .

  13. 以齿侧面加工的铲磨工序为基础,建立了直槽硬质合金滚刀变偏距重磨的数值仿真模型。

    This paper presents a numerical simulation model of variable offset regrinding for the carbide gear hobs with straight flutes based on the radial relief grinding in the final manufacturing procedure for them .

  14. 结合模块的特殊的上料特征,设计出振动料斗和机械式直槽型振动上料装置共同作用的形式,着重阐述其结构特点及工作原理。

    Considering the peculiar feed ing of this type of mould , we designed an equipment with both vibrating hopper and mechanical straight trough vibrating feeder . It 's structural characteristic and working principle are stressed .

  15. 本文提出了对直槽零前角滚刀,原始截面刃形在基本蜗杆齿面上,其新滚刀刃形的计算方法。

    This paper presents a calculating method for the edge of a new hob with straight groove and zero rake angle . The original section edge of the said hob is on the surface of basic worm .

  16. 将切槽控制爆破技术引入岩体松动爆破领域:螺旋切槽孔松动爆破将传统的轴向切槽方式进行改变,即把沿轴向平行的直槽改成绕轴线旋转螺旋切槽。

    Spiral V-notch loosen blasting has broadened the application of notched blasting from a single blasting control technique to a rock fragmenting one by changing the conventional straight notch along the axis into two spiral notches around the axis .

  17. 本文介绍了两向混合励磁电机的计算和设计方法,对其静态特性进行了分析,并研制出直槽转子和斜槽转子样机各一台。

    This dissertation gives the method of the design and calculation , analyzes the static-state character of the two-way hybrid excitation motor , and two sample motors including a skewed rotor and a non - skewed rotor motor are designed .

  18. 适应斜槽转子双凸极电机的电势波形特点,把三相六状态换流模式引入到斜槽转子双凸极电动机的控制中,对比了直槽与斜槽两种不同转子结构电动机控制方式的异同点。

    According to the characteristics of electro-magnetic force of skewed rotor doubly salient motor , three-phase six-state conduction mode is applied in the working of doubly salient motor , and the control modes under two kinds of rotor structures are compared .

  19. 研究内齿轮滚刀、媒介齿轮的共轭啮合及其坐标变换关系,推导出内齿轮滚刀螺旋面方程式、根切曲线方程式、零前角直槽内齿轮滚刀切削刃方程式。

    In this paper , the engaging and coodinate changing of internal gear hob , pinion and internal gear are researched , the equations of internal gear hob helicoid , root cutting curve and internal gear hob cutting edge are introduced also .

  20. 应用这种方法和概念,分析了生产中使用的直槽正前角齿轮滚刀实际造形误差很大的原因,并提出了改进意见。

    In this paper these methods and conception are applied at the request of the production department for analysing the precision of manufacturing gear hobs with positive rake and straight flutes . And so the reason why the practical profiling error of them is so large is explained .

  21. 北壁中间砌成一个上下直通的凹形直槽,凹槽直壁与横梁组成的高表与台下石圭形成一组测量日影长度的圭表装置。

    The center of the northern wall is built into a hollow groove that is perforated through from top to bot-tom , so the higher gnomon at the groove 's straight wall and the stone gnomon at the bottom constitute a se-ries of gnomon apparatus for measur-ing the length of the shadow cast by the sun .

  22. 用两种3点弯曲圆梁(分别具有人字形切槽和直切槽)测定了一种重庆灰岩的断裂韧度K。

    Chevron-notched and straight-through-notched three-point bend round bars are used to test fracture toughness K of a Chongqing limestone .

  23. U形渠道直壁槽式量水堰的流量系数和流速系数的探讨与计算

    Discussion and Calculation of Discharge and Velocity Coefficients of the Straight Wall through Measuring Weir of the U-shaped Channel

  24. 本文通过理论分析,推导了U形渠道直壁槽式量水堰的流量系数和流速系数的理论计算式,讨论了流量系数的变化规律。

    The formulas of the discharge and velocity coefficients of the straight wall through measuring weir of the U-shaped channel are deduced by using theoretical analysis method and the behaviour of these coefficients is discussed in this paper .

  25. 利用线弹性断裂力学的柔度法标定技术,建立了用直切槽巴西圆盘(CSTBD)试样确定岩石拉伸弹性模量的方法。

    Based on the compliance method of linear elastic fracture theory , a method is established to determine the tensile elastic modulus by measurement of the elastic compliance of cracked straight through Brazilian disc specimen ( CSTBD ) .

  26. 一种新型的量水设备&U形渠道直壁槽式量水堰

    A New Type of Flow Measuring Equipment-straight wall Trough Measuring Weir of the U-shaped Channel

  27. 螺旋直柄槽机用铰刀

    Spiral flute machine reamer with straight shank

  28. 用直切槽巴西圆盘试样柔度法确定岩石的弹性模量

    Determination of elastic modulus of rocks with cracked straight through Brazilian disc specimen by compliance method

  29. 直导槽形式的结构比8字导槽形式的结构运行更加平稳。

    Compared with ' 8 ' groove , the running of straight groove mechanism is more stable .

  30. 摆盘发动机的约束机构主要有圆锥齿轮、直导槽、弹性直导槽和8字槽等几种形式。

    Restriction of wobble-plate engine is given as bevel gear , straight groove , elastomeric straight groove or 8-shape groove mechanism .