
  1. 包头西站路企直通运输管理模式研究

    Study on the Railway-Enterprise Direct Transportation Management Mode of Baotou Western Station

  2. 路企直通运输空车调配模型及算法研究

    A Study on the Model of Empty Wagon Distribution Based on Straight Transportation between Railway and Enterprises

  3. 具体研究内容如下:(1)路企直通运输车流组织影响因素及直达列车运行条件分析。

    The details of research are as follows : ( 1 ) The analysis of influencing factors and train operating conditions for direct-connection transportation organization .

  4. 分析路企直通运输空车输送的方式,建立企业、技术站和卸车地空车组成的网络优化模型。

    By analyzing the transport way of empty wagons , it built a network optimization model which is composed of enterprise , technical stations and unloading stations .

  5. 铁道部在全国大部分省市发起直通运输试点,这将对中国的传统运输发起重大挑战。

    The Ministry of Railways initiates the experiment sites of through transport in national majority of provinces and cities , This will initiate the great challenge to Chinas traditional transportation .

  6. 为进一步提高运输效率,提出在国铁与企业之间开行直通运输的组织方式,有效地解决了当前路企结合部运输环节的重复,车辆周转缓慢等问题。

    To enhance the transport efficiency further , the direct-connection transportation was put forward , which solved the current problems such as repetitive transport link and slowly vehicle turnover and so on .

  7. 分析了路企直通运输的基本特点,阐述了与战略装车点的关系,并研究了完善直通运输的组织措施。

    And by analyzing the characteristics of transportation between railway and enterprises , this paper expounds the relations with strategic cargo-loading spot and suggests some measures to improve organizing the through transportation .

  8. 通过对国内外路企直通运输实施现状的研究分析,发现各地实施的过程中存在的优势与不足,从而明确在我国铁路实施需要注意哪些改造重点和技术环节。

    Through the research and analysis of the present implementation situation of direct-connection transportation , this paper found the existence of the advantages and disadvantages to point out what we need to pay attention to when implementing . 2 .

  9. 路企直通运输的实施使企业车流的组织方式发生了改变,而不同的组织方式将使其在运输组织过程中的费用不同,因此,需要对路企直通条件下的车流组织问题进行优化研究。

    It changes the organization way of car flow of enterprise . And in the process of transport , the cost is different under various organization ways , therefore , the problem of direct-connection car flow organization needed to study .

  10. 为了满足企业运输需求,并解决我过铁路存在的输送能力紧张、时效性差等问题,铁道部提出了路企直通运输这一新型运输组织模式。

    In order to meet the transport demand and solve the problems existing in the railway , such as the tight capacity , poor timeliness and so on . Railways ministry carries out a new mode of transportation organization , which is direct-connection transportation organization between enterprise and railroad .

  11. 主要承办进出口货物的订舱、报关、报检、提送货服务,并为客户提供沪苏口岸货物直通转关运输。

    We provide customers with the service of direct and transferred customs declaration , transportation between Suzhou and Shanghai Airport .

  12. 管内归己、直通清算的运输收入分配办法述评

    Review on New Distribution Method of Transportation Revenue