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  • 网络Reaching for the Sky;reach up into the sky
  1. 玉龙雪山依然直插云霄。

    Jade Dragon Snow Mountain still rises above the clouds .

  2. 长虹般的大桥,直插云霄,横断了长江。

    The bridge like rainbow penetrating into the clouds has transected the river .

  3. 3万英尺高的山峰直插云霄。

    The 13000-foot peak stabbed the sky .

  4. 这座8844米高的山峰直插云霄。

    The8844-metre peak stabbed the sky .

  5. 作为对照,直插云霄的埃菲尔铁塔的高度为1063英尺(324米)。

    To put this in context , the Eiffel Tower prods the clouds at 1063 ft ( 324m ) .

  6. 双子塔,犹如两把直插云霄的利剑,成为了美国物质优越性的象征。

    The Twin Towers , like two sharp swords cutting into the sky , became America 's symbol of wealth superiority .

  7. 在希腊北部马其顿和色萨利之间矗立着一座高大的山脉,山顶云雾缭绕,直插云霄。

    Between Macedon and Thessaly of northern Greece there stood a lofty mountain range whose cloudy summit rushed into the very heavens .

  8. 山谷两边,林木茂密(它们是豹子、熊以及野猪们的家园),直插云霄。

    On each side the valley 's forested flanks - home to leopards , bears and boar - rise steeply to the skyline .

  9. 因此埃菲尔铁塔成了巴黎最高的的建筑,直插云霄,巴黎居民和游客登上铁塔便能毫无障碍地鸟瞰整个城市的全貌。

    As a result , Parisians and tourists alike get the chance to enjoy an unobstructed , almost-archaic view of the city , with the Eiffel Tower standing as the primary dominating point , piercing into the sky .