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qīng sōng
  • pine
青松 [qīng sōng]
  • [pine] 青翠的松树

青松[qīng sōng]
  1. 几棵青松挺立在山坡上。

    Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside .

  2. 花说青松不如它。

    The flower said that it is better than the pine .

  3. 我的生活很执著,想青松一样屹立不倒。

    My life is dedicated , to survive , like pine .

  4. 只见青松不见花。

    The flower disappeared while the pine stood firm .

  5. 我爱你青松气质。

    I love your temperament of verdant pines .

  6. 青松护理安老院〔香港道教青松观有限公司〕

    Ching Chung Care-and-Attention Home [ Ching Chung Taoist Association of Hong Kong Ltd. ]

  7. 你是崖畔青松,有风雨就有怒号;

    You are a pine on the cliff howling when it is windy and rainy ;

  8. 魔石就满足了老石匠的第一个祈愿,使他变成了一棵青松。

    Magic stone will satisfy the old masons first wish that he became a pine trees .

  9. 往青松观及青松仙苑的通路将会封闭。

    The access roads leading to Ching Chung Koon and Ching Chung sin Yuen will be closed .

  10. 境内有北方著名的祖山风景旅游区和青松岭度假村。

    There is the famous ancestors in the northern mountain tourist resort area and the pine ridge .

  11. 他们挨着一棵棵树向前走,眼睛巡视着青松浓密的梢头。

    Their eyes were searching the heavy green pine tops as they went forward from tree to tree .

  12. 休斯敦绿草如茵,青松滴翠,远远超出许多人的想象,但可以称为天然美景的却很少。

    While far more green and lush than many people realize , Houston can claim few natural charms .

  13. 不,不是那挺拔的青松,不,不是那可爱的小叶黄杨,而是美丽的山茶花。

    No , not that tall and straight pine , no , not that lovely boxwood lobules , but the beautiful camellias .

  14. 青松说这些行为只是他发自本能的帮助,甚至并不以小阳回到他身边为前提。

    Qingsong said he was trying to help Sun based on an instinct , and didn 't expect Sun be back with him .

  15. 您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您!敬爱的老师。

    Your soul is as pure as snow , your personality is as noble as pine trees ! All praise to you , our beloved teacher .

  16. 我们欣赏到了诱人的瞬间美景&锯齿似的群峰、花岗岩鄙视的青松和下面的深谷。

    We were treated to tantalizing glimpses of jagged , knife-like peaks , deep-green pines clinging to granite cliffs , and a great valley stretching far below .

  17. 您的心灵,如雪花般纯净;您的人格,如青松般高洁;您的青春,似火种将永远燃烧!

    Your soul is as pure as the snowflake ; your personality is as great and pure as the pine ; your youth will burn for ever like sparks !

  18. 本论文是根据青松水电站引水隧洞实际勘察和测试资料完成的,所得分析和评价结果对该水利工程施工和地质灾害治理有重要意义。

    This paper is based on the actual Cheongsong Hydropower diversion tunnel completed survey and test data , and analysis and evaluation of results from the water conservancy project construction and geological disasters are important .

  19. 青松宾馆,依山傍海,空气清新,爬山游泳,乐趣无穷,欢迎企事业单位前来洽谈。

    Pine Hotel , located at the foot of a hill Beside the sea and Bathed in the fresh air , affords a good peace for people to climB and swim with inexhaustible fun . Enterprises and institutions are welcome to make inquiries .