
  • 网络Qingyun Stone;Green stone
  1. 川西北青云石的特征及其开发利用前景

    Character and Comprehensive Utilization Prospects of Green Stone in Northwest Sichuan

  2. 在此基础上,通过初步试验研究,指出了主要应用领域、解决问题的措施及大力开发青云石的重要意义。

    Based on this study , several important application fields are pointed out .

  3. 薄层状青云石矿的切割爆破技术

    Blasting Technology of Cutting Thin-Layer Qingyun-Stone

  4. 对于薄层状青云石矿,密集的、强度较低的层理面严重影响切割爆破效果,不能沿用块状石材的切割爆破方法,因此需要进一步试验研究。

    For thin-layered Qingyun-stone ore , the dense and lower strength bedding faces influence greatly the effect of cutting blasting , so the cutting blasting technology for massive stone can 't be used to cut this stone , and its blasting technique needs further experimental studies .