
  1. 试论四川地区战国墓中的青铜工具

    On the Bronze Tools from Tombs of the Warring States Period in the Sichuan Region

  2. 对于青铜工具和黄金首饰上刻的文字,研究人员已认定是人名或价值。

    Investigators have interpreted examples of script scratched on bronze tools and gold jewelry as personal names or values .

  3. 中国的青铜生产工具

    Chinese bronze instrument of production

  4. 在当时人类使用青铜制成的工具和武器。

    When men used tools and weapons made of bronze .

  5. 目前,采用固体光纤激光器的SLM设备已经能用低熔点合金、锌、青铜、不锈钢和工具钢生产零件或模具嵌件。

    At present , SLM devices adopting fiber laser are capable of building parts and inserts from low melt alloys , zinc , bronze , stainless steel and tool steel .