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  1. 时针实际上是以日昝上的阴影为模型的。

    The hands are actually modeled after the shadow on a sundial .

  2. 不过我的兄弟长在古老日昝仪周围,或许他能给你你想要的。

    But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial , and perhaps he will give you what you want .

  3. 昝村开发区可以引进先进的环境管理体系,吸引更多的企业进入到工业生产的链条中来,不断的增强工业生态链的稳定度,使之成为当地经济发展的动力。

    This EIP may as well introduce advanced environment management system in order to enlist more environment-friendly firms to enhance the stability of this eco-industrial system .

  4. 在循环经济和生态工业园相关理论的指导下,结合陕西韩城昝村工业开发区的具体资源优势和产业结构,本文研究了在此地发展生态工业,建立生态工业园区的可能性。

    Under the instruction of Recycle Economy and Industrial Ecology , combined with the specific local resources and local current industrial structure , this thesis is trying to realize the possibility of the construction of an eco-industrial park .