首页 / 词典 / good

  • Lie;equal to;be equal
  • 矮墙,场地四周的土围墙。

  • 等同:“故吴诸侯也,以即山铸钱,富~天子。”

  • 田塍。

  • 涯际;界限:“休息于无委曲之隅,而游敖于无形~之野。”

  • 山上的水流。

  • 古度量名。


[书] (同等; 相等) equal to; be equal:

  • 二人才力相埒。

    The two persons have the same talent and abilities.; They are equal in both talent and abilities.

  1. 二人才力相埒。

    The two persons have the same talent and abilities . ; They are equal in both talent and abilities .

  2. 无锡市河埒口高产鱼池水质的研究&Ⅱ.浮游生物

    Studies on the water quality of the highyield fishponds in he lie commune , Wuxi Shi ii . plankton

  3. 西汉神爵年间,西域都护在今孔雀河三角洲筑有埒娄城,有军队驻守。

    Shenjue years of the Western Han Dynasty , the Western Regions Frontier Command in this building have Kongquehe Delta Lie Lou City , the armed forces stationed there .

  4. 以后,埒娄城又演变为东汉的爵离城、北魏的柳驴城和元代的坤闾城。

    After Lie Lou city and the evolution of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Grand town , the Northern Wei Liu donkey and the city of the Yuan Lu Kun city .