
  1. 对长江环境的危害,已让其中另一个标志性的生物灭绝。

    The environmental harm to the Yangtze has already extinguished another of its iconic creatures .

  2. 长江生态环境保护修复

    protect and restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River

  3. 要把修复长江生态环境摆在压倒性位置。

    The restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River should be a major priority .

  4. 桐柏&大别山掀斜隆升对长江中游环境的影响

    Effect of tilted uplift of tongbai_dabie mountains on Middle Yangtze River Environment

  5. 长江源环境变化与生态保护

    Environmental Change and Ecological Protection at the Headstreams of Changjiang

  6. 长江流域环境问题与持续发展

    Environmental Problems and Sustainable Development of Yangtze River Basin

  7. 情景分析法在长江上游环境污染治理中的应用

    Scenario Analysis on Environmental Pollution Status in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River

  8. 长江流域环境变化与人类活动的相互影响

    Mutual Influence on Environmental Changes and Human Activities in the Chang Jiang River Valley

  9. 最后,提出减小梯级水库对长江生态环境影响的对策和建议。

    Finally some measures and proposals to decrease environmental effect as cascading reservoirs were suggested .

  10. 长江口水环境数值模拟研究&水动力数值模拟

    Studies on Numerical Modeling of Water Environment in the Yangtze Estuary-Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Flows

  11. 三峡工程是一项改善长江生态环境的工程

    Three Gorges Project is the One for Improving the Ecological Environment Along the Yangtze River

  12. 长江下游环境水力学特征与排污总量控制

    Characteristics of environmental hydromechanics and total pollutants discharge load control for down stream of Yangtze River

  13. 由于长江的环境问题和水污染,中国的白鳍豚数量已急剧下降。

    The number of white-flag dolphins in China has dropped because of environmental problems and pollution in the Yangtze river .

  14. 三峡工程将有将改善长江生态环境,是一项造福人类的生态工程。

    The TGP will effectively improve the ecology of the Yangtze and is an ecological project that benefits human beings .

  15. 针对长江水环境存在的问题,应制定环境保护规划的总体目标与保护水环境的对策,制定21世纪的长江水战略。

    In view of existing problem in water environment of Yangtze river , the general target of environment protection plan , the policy of water environment protection and the water strategy for Yangtze in 21st century should be worked out .

  16. 长江流域环境研究表明,山-河-湖-海互动是流域环境系统变化的实质,同时也是流域对全球变化响应最敏感、最直接的体现。

    The research of environmental change in Changjiang Fluvial System indicates that the interaction between mountain , river , lake and sea is the essence of environmental system change in river basin , and also the most sensitive and direct externalization of fluvial system responding to global change .

  17. 长江三角洲环境地质调查评价GIS管理系统建设初探

    Preliminary design of GIS for environmental geology survey evaluation in Changjiang Delta

  18. 利用GIS和多维数据库技术实现长江口海域环境时空数据分析

    Spatiotemporal analysis based on GIS and multi-dimensional database at the Yangtze Estuary and surrounding coastal area

  19. 一种基于多维混沌时间序列的相空间重组技术(英文)利用GIS和多维数据库技术实现长江口海域环境时空数据分析


  20. 接着从长江航运发展环境着手,分析长江航运发展的内部和外部环境状况,并应用SWOT分析方法研究了长江航运现代化发展目前所具备的优势、劣势,以及面临的挑战和机遇。

    Then start from the Yangtze River Shipping Development Environment , analyzes internal and external environmental conditions of the Yangtze River shipping development . Research the Yangtze River shipping current strengths , weaknesses , the challenges and opportunities with the method of SWOT analysis .

  21. 血吸虫对长江流域生态环境影响及对策

    Influence of schistosomiasis on Yangtze River catchment environment & countermeasure suggestion

  22. 长江流域生态环境的污染与治理分析

    Contamination and Disposition Analysis on Ecological Environment of the Yangtze Valley

  23. 水生生物资源在长江河口水环境监测中的应用

    Application of Aquatic Life Resources in Monitoring Water Quality in Yangtze River Estuary

  24. 长江渔业生态环境变化的影响因素

    Analysis on the effect factors of fishery ecological environment of the Changjiang River

  25. 关于长江流域生态环境系统演变与调控研究的思考

    Some consideration on Evolution and control of ecological environment system in Yangtze Basin

  26. 试论长江流域自然环境的演化

    The environmental evolution of the Yangtze River Valley

  27. 水利工程对长江河口生态环境的影响

    Impact of water conservancy project on ecosystem and environment of the Yangtze River Estuary

  28. 长江的生态环境保护,特别是水资源保护至关重要。

    The Yangtze River ecological environmental protection , especially the water-resource protection is extremely important .

  29. 长江中下游环境特征与洪灾的关系

    An approch on Relationship of Environment and Flood in the Middle and Lower Reaches of

  30. 长江流域资源环境研究信息系统的研制和应用

    Establishment and application of the research information system of resources and environment in the Yangtze Basin