
  1. 用晶化的硅酸铝短纤维作增强体,用磷酸铝作黏结剂制得预制体,用AZ91D作基体金属,通过挤压浸渗工艺制备镁基复合材料。

    A magnesium alloy matrix composite was fabricated by squeeze cast with the preform made of crystallized aluminum silicate short fibers as reinforcement and aluminum phosphate as binder .

  2. 本文研究了以硅酸铝短纤维作增强体,工业纯铝L00,铸造铝合金ZL101为基体的复合材料耐磨性。

    This paper investigates the abradabilities of commercially pure aluminum L00 matrix andBirmasil ZL101 matrix composite materials with aluminum phosphate shot fiber as reinforce .

  3. 本文在对40车轴钢预制穿透型短裂纹作等幅扩展特性试验研究的基础上,重点研究了短裂纹阶段单峰过载迟滞效应。

    On the basis of an experimental investigation in the behaviour of short fatigue cracks under a constant amplitude load ( CAL ), we study the single peak overload ( SPOL ) retardation effect .

  4. 我们能在短时间内作改变吗?

    Can we allow him to change events at such short notice ?

  5. 这时间短得无法作无休无止的讨价还价。

    It is a time too short to make a world-without-end bargain in .

  6. 飞机使人们能在短时间内作远距离的旅行。

    The airplane extended the distances that people could travel in a short period .

  7. 一些观察家说,这是因为选民只有很短的时间作准备。

    Some observers say this was because of the short time available to prepare voters .

  8. 一个较短的上作周被建议用来缓和新的工作安排的影响。

    A shorter working week has been proposed to mollify the effects of the new working arrangements .

  9. 本文仅就部分钻孔体应变资料的地震短临异常作一初步讨论。

    We have farther discussed short term and imminent abnormality for borehole volume strain observation data before earthquake .

  10. 由规划到生产间所需时间短,可作短期加工。

    From the planning to the production requirements for a short time , can be used for short-term processing .

  11. 在此基础上对经典的最短路径算法作了较深入的研究和探讨,提出了改进的最短路径算法,通过实验,该算法有较好的效果。

    Based on the discussion , the classical shortest route algorithm is fully studied , and improved algorithm which has better effect is presented .

  12. 本文选用了18个随机引物,对25个我国主要的短季棉品种作了RAPD多态性分析。

    RAPD ( Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ) technique was used to detect the genetic diversity of 25 short-seasoned cotton cultivars in China .

  13. 对802.11a突发数据帧中的短训练符号结构作了改进,给出了相应的时频域估计算法;

    It also improves the structure of short training symbols in the frame of 802.11a and gives the corresponding timing and frequency offset estimation method .

  14. 对短正合列作了进一步讨论,得出“对于左R-模上短正合列,在环同态和Abel群同构条件下保持正合性”的结论。

    Properties of short exact sequences are developed . The author proves that short exact sequences as left R - module maintain the exact property on condition of homomorphisms of rings and isomorphisms of Abel groups .

  15. 用黑琥珀李半木质化嫩梢短茎切段作外植体进行组织培养,结果表明,外植体在LS固体培养基和LQ液体培养基上能快速诱导成苗,增殖迅速并健壮生长。

    The in-vitro micropropagation of Black Amber Plum with stem segments of the half-wooden shoot as explants has been trialed . The result shows that the explants cultured on LS medium and LQ medium can be quickly induced to form plantlet , with a fast proliferation and a strong growth .

  16. 写短的论文,作一个简单提纲就行了。

    For shorter papers , notes of a scratch outline will serve the purpose .

  17. 结论分离的豚鼠心肌细胞可用短时间的低氧作预处理。

    Conclusion Isolated guinea pig cardiomyocytes can be preconditioned with a brief period of hypoxia .

  18. 用不同的软件对近年来的鞍山地应力、金县短水准观测资料作了排除干扰、提取趋势异常信息的计算。

    Making use different software to obtain anomalies and remove interference from the information of Anshan earth stress and Jinzhou leveling in near years .

  19. 并对短、临异常作了对比分析,探讨四步段映震异常对地震短临预报的重要意义。

    Author also conducted the comparative analysis on the short-term and impending anomalies and discussed the important significance of the four-step anomaly reflecting earthquakes of the short-term and impending earthquake prediction .

  20. 采用分子束外延生长GaAs/InAs短周期超晶格作覆盖层,可以拓展量子点发光波长至1.3μm~1.5μm。

    The emission wavelength of the InAs QDs grown by molecular beam epitaxy ( MBE ) was extended to 1.3 μ m ~ 1.5 μ m range by introducing a covering layer of short period GaAs / InAs superlattice on the QDs .