
  • 网络SHORT PEACE;We Come in Peace;Short Peace Opening
  1. 除了一段短暂的和平,那场战争持续了九年。

    Apart from a brief interlude of peace , the war lasted nine years .

  2. 他们不知道这短暂的和平会持续多久。

    They don 't know how long the calm will last .

  3. 经过一段短暂的和平时期,战争又爆发了。

    EG : After a brief peace , war broke out again .

  4. 他就不能给我们短暂的和平吗?

    One moment of peace , can he not give us that ?

  5. 两场战争之间的短暂的和平。

    A brief interlude of peace between two wars .

  6. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性在争斗不休的灰暗生活中,拥有短暂的和平宁静。

    In the continuous battle gloomy life , you are able to pass through a short tranquil and peaceful period .

  7. 我认为,正是在这短暂的和平时刻,使我们能够获得继续生活的力量,战胜那些要着力摧毁我们的东西。

    And I believe that it is in those brief moments of peace that we are able to find the strength to continue living despite those things that have the power to hold us back .