
  • 网络Short Circuit Interturn
  1. 通过频谱分析提取故障特征因子并综合考虑负载、三相输入电压不平衡度的变化情况,构建基于模糊神经网络的短路匝数诊断模型,可以进一步确定短路绕组的匝数。

    In order to detect inter-turns accurately , the fault factor is drawn through spectrum analysis , and a diagnosis model of inter-turn short circuit which takes load and three phase voltage unbalance into consideration is constituted based on fuzzy-neural network .

  2. 针对双级补偿电流互感器的检定,首先分析以二次侧小电流法实施检定的原理误差以及因一次侧汇流排形成短路匝所引入的误差,确定相应的修正值;

    For the verification of two-stage current transformer , the errors resulted from the principle of the method of small current flowing the secondary side and from the primary short circuit are analyzed , and the expressions of their corrections are presented .

  3. 既是相间短路保护、匝间短路和单相接地保护,也可兼作过电压保护。

    This relay is both an interphase fault , turn-to-turn , single earth fault protection and an overvoltage protection .

  4. 本文在阐述转子基本结构、转子匝间短路的原因和匝间短路引起的电磁特性的基础上,对汽轮发电机转子绕组匝间短路故障进行了机电联合诊断研究。

    Through introducing the rotor basic structures and the fault reason of rotor winding inter-turn short circuit , the electromechanical combined diagnosis study is carried for rotor winding inter-turn short circuit .

  5. 针对变压器发生匝间短路,并且短路匝数随时间增大的现象,提出了变压器发展性短路故障模型,本模型基于一个幅值随时间增加的三角函数来模拟连续发展的故障电流;

    The phenomenon of turn to turn fault developing as time go on , a model of transformer progressive short circuit fault put forward , the model based on a trigonometric function with the amplitude increasing with the time was proposed to simulate the progressive fault current .