
  1. 基于JIT的炼油短期生产计划启发式算法

    The Heuristic Algorithm Based JIT for the Short-term Scheduling in Oil Refinery

  2. SYT公司短期生产计划与控制研究

    Study on SYT 's Short-term Production Plan and Control

  3. 一种新的炼油厂原油处理短期生产计划方法

    A new method for short-term scheduling for crude oil operations in refinery

  4. 矿井短期生产计划的计算机编制与动态调整

    Programming of Short - term Mining Plan and Dynamically Adjusting it by Computer

  5. 露天矿短期生产计划边界品位的确定原则与计算

    Determination of cutoff grades for short-term open-pit production planning

  6. 结果,得到原了炼油短期生产计划的可调度性条件。

    Consequently , short-term schedulability conditions are obtained .

  7. 提出了原油处理过程短期生产计划是否存在可解性的问题。

    This paper focuses on the tractability of shortterm scheduling for crude oil operations .

  8. 地质处理是为露天煤矿研制的短期生产计划优化软件包的一部分。

    Geological data treatment is a part of the soft ware package for optimization of short-term plans in open pit coal mines .

  9. 其中,在长期计划与调度中使用线性规划方法,在短期生产计划与调度方面更多的是采用混合整数规划方法。

    Linear programming based techniques for long-term planning and scheduling are well-developed . Mixed integer programming methods are also developed for short-term scheduling .

  10. 生产调度的执行离不开生产计划的指导,为此我们研究了长期生产计划和短期生产计划的混合整数线性规划模型。

    The models of long range planning and short-term planning are considered with the aim of providing a guide to the behavior of production scheduling .

  11. 而对于作为炼油生产过程核心的短期生产计划的研究还处于起步阶段。

    Due to the hybrid property of the oil refinery , the research for short-term scheduling of the refinery is still at the starting stage .

  12. 短期生产计划的研究处于起步阶段,需要对各个阶段进行细分,充分地利用资源。

    However , the research for short-term scheduling for process industry is still at its starting stage . In scheduling an oil refinery , it needs to utilize the resources effectively .

  13. 结合上海某炼油厂的实际生产情况,引入油品非线性调合模型,提出了集成控制原油线性调合、基于订单的短期生产计划、成品油非线性调合及库存管理的算法。

    Nonlinear oil blending models are introduced into an integrated control system for a typical refinery . The integrated algorithm can connect crude oil blending linear model , order-oriented short-term scheduling model , nonlinear blending model of products oil and inventory management model together .

  14. 规划模型在黄金矿山短期生产作业计划的应用

    Application of program model in the short period production plan in gold mine

  15. 炼油企业生产计划分为:长期生产计划和短期详细生产计划。

    Production planning of a refinery is divided two parts : the long-term production planning and short-term scheduling .

  16. 分析了炼油生产计划和调度优化的问题,说明短期生产作业计划和调度优化问题的困难性。

    The problems of production planning and short-term scheduling optimization in petroleum refining industry were discussed and difficulties in implementing production planning and short-term scheduling optimization were also illustrated .

  17. 该系统采用仿真、优先规则和启发式技术实现了短期炼油生产计划制定过程中的决策支持,为解决炼油生产作业计划的自动化提供了一条有效的途径。

    This paper focuses on the design and accomplishment of DSS , which provides decision support for the short-term scheduling using simulation , priority-rules and heuristic technology in petroleum refining industry . It offers an effective way to solve the automation of production plan in oil refining production .