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  • Planner;scheduler
  1. 计划员工作站,主要实现列车日班计划的编制和下达功能。

    Scheduler workstation is mainly responsible for preparation and sending of daily train plans .

  2. 计划员分使用部门组织相关人员评审采购周期和批量。

    Planner organize relevant personnel to review procurement cycle and bulk divide use departments .

  3. 要求生产计划员在下达生产计划单时,增加拟制和批准内容。

    Before production order is sent out , require production controller to add item of preapre and approve .

  4. 能较好协助主管和计划员从供应商处催促足够的物料以不断降低公司生产成本。

    Coordinate well with supervisor and the planner to push back enough material from suppliers in order to reduce the products cost .

  5. 联络生产计划员、材料采购员、系统工程师、生产经理和质保部门以获取需要的信息和支援来实施生产;

    Communicate with production planner , purchaser , system engineer , production manager , and QA department to get necessary information and support for operation ;

  6. 计划员的工作是建立关键网络图,并不是绘画。计算机绘制网络图所有路径计算方法的研究

    Duty of programmer / planner is to establish CPM , not draw a picture . Study of Calculation Method of All the Paths of Computer Painted Network

  7. 调度所设备包括调度员工作站、助理调度员工作站、值班主任工作站、计划员工作站、综合维修工作站等。

    The dispatching station equipment includes dispatcher working station , assistant dispatcher working station , duty head working station , planner working station , comprehensive maintenance working station etc.

  8. 本系统的用户包括生产部门的主管、生产部门的计划员和调度人员、领班、物料员。同时也是与主计划人员的一个接口。

    This system users include production supervisors , production department planner and dispatch personnel , foreman , material member , is also one of the main program personnel with the interface .

  9. 哈伯德先生是美国国立卫生研究院的低风险试验计划的一员。

    Mr Hubbard is part of a low risk trial being ran at the US National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) .

  10. 该审查计划由主审查员批注,并由质量保证经理(QA)核准。

    Is endorsed by the Lead auditor and approved by the QA Manager .

  11. 优步(Uber)和密歇根州马科姆(Macomb)县合作启动了一个试点计划,为陪审员提供免费乘车服务,并在几个城市启动了增多有轮椅无障碍车辆的优步司机的项目。

    Uber has launched a pilot project with Macomb County in Michigan to offer free rides for jurors and has begun a programme in several cities to increase the number of Uber drivers with wheelchair-accessible vehicles .

  12. 他亦是副秘书长,教科文组织中国-生物圈计划委员会的一员,联合国教科文组织与生物圈计划城市群。

    He is also vice secretary-general of the UNESCO China-MAB Committee and a member of the UNESCO MAB Urban Group .

  13. 此改革计划提高了陪审员的最低年龄要求,从23岁提高到了28岁,但是降低了学历要求。此外,该计划还修改了选拔程序,允许更多来自各行各业的人加入。

    The reform program increased the minimum age for jurors from 23 to 28 but lowered education requirements . It also changed the selection procedure to allow more people from different walks of life .

  14. 我是一只流浪狗,是香港动物领养中心“流浪狗”计划之中的一员,我被发现时在肋骨位置生了一个大血瘤。

    Since I was found to have a large Blood Tumor near my chest that required immediate attention , therefore , I am one of the lucky one that was selected into the " HKAAC Stray Animal Rescue program " .

  15. 生产计划有任何差异通知生产计划员

    Inform Production Planner of any divergences from production plan .

  16. 计算机辅助计划管理和决策总体设计本系统将计划编制的决策过程分成若干个阶段,通过计算机模拟实现其过程,辅助计划员进行调度计划的编制。

    GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND DECISION-MAKING SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW AIRCRAFT The decision process is divided into several stages , then every stage is realized through the computer simulation in this system .