
  • 网络planned order;PldOrd;plan order
  1. 在较简单静态材料表基础上,详细阐述集成冲销时间、逾期量及固定计划订单等因素的再生法MRP的系统分析与设计。

    Based on the simple bill of material ( BOM ), system analysis and design of regeneration MRP which considers offset-time , past due and firm planned order are introduced in details .

  2. MRP计算净需求并建议或创建计划订单一满足需求。

    It calculates net requirements and suggests or creates planned orders to fill them .

  3. 订货原则:这个参数定义MRP如何为零件建立计划订单。

    Order Policy : This field determines how Material Requirements Planning ( MRP ) plans orders for this item .

  4. 订货原则为空、不管计划订单参数如何设置,MRP不为该零件创建计划订单。

    When Order Policy is blank , MRP does not plan this item , regardless of how Plan Orders is set .

  5. 计划订单参数与“订货原则”参数配合使用。

    Plan Orders operates in combination with the Order Policy field .

  6. 这个客户订单应该走库存还是计划订单?

    Can we fulfil this customer order from stock or planned orders ?

  7. 订货原则与计划订单组合使用。

    Order Policy operates in combination with Plan Orders .

  8. 计划订单数量之来自于独立需求。

    Procurement quantities can be planned relatively effectively by means of planned independent requirements .

  9. 没有消耗的计划订单数量将会增加部件的库存。同时造成获取的减少,或在下一个期间不在采购。

    Unconsumed planned independent requirement quantities increase the warehouse stock of the component , and cause procurement to be decreased or not to take place at all in the next period .

  10. 对零配件计划、订单的处理和货品计价进行协调。

    Coordinate parts planning , order fulfillment and invoicing .

  11. 如果建议创建计划外订单,请单击“创建”,以确定要订购的冰激凌的口味和数量。

    If an unscheduled order is recommended , click create to determine which flavors and how much to order .

  12. 它不同于生成作业计划的订单排程,体现了快速响应客户需求,增加了企业对客户需求响应的敏捷性与快速性。

    It differs from the order scheduling that produces job scheduling and embodies rapid response to customer 's need and advances enterprise 's agility and rapidity in response to customer 's need .

  13. 给出了主计划下订单优先级的管理方法,详细讨论了车间日计划下产品提前期的确定方法,讨论了车间生产任务的优化控制方法。

    The preferential management method of orders in the master plan is given . And the method of determining the product lead time in the job shop plan is discussed in detail . The method for the optimization control of the job shop tasks is also discussed .

  14. 公司的计划是基于订单将持续稳定增长的预期的。

    The company 's plan supposes a steady increase in orders .

  15. 及时将生产计划和生产订单下达到各相关部门。

    Publish production plan and IPO to relative departments on time .

  16. 项目执行计划、采购订单及合同提供各种使用情况下的系统记录。

    Project execution plans , purchase orders and contracts provide records on the system agreed for use in each case .

  17. 确认评审客户订单,安排、踪、调、成生产订单。及时将生产计划和生产订单下达到各相关部门。

    Confirm customer order , arrange , follow up , coordinate and achieve shop order . Publish production plan and IPO to relative departments on time .

  18. 此项目要求按照企业资源管理计划,实现订单、库存、网站以及帐目管理。

    This project featured " greenfield " development of an enterprise resource management program to handle order management , inventory management , a web site , and accounting functionality .

  19. 将基于市场预测的部件主生产计划和面向订单的组装计划相互结合,共同协调企业的生产能力和资源需求,以加强企业对市场的快速响应和满足用户多样化需求的能力。

    Combine market-forecasting-based MPS and order-based assembling plan to adjust throughput and resource-requirement , so as to strengthen the ability of quick market response and satisfy variety requirements of customers .

  20. 我方在此恳请贵方以电报开立金额为……以我方为受益人的不可撤销即期信用证,使我方得以按原定计划执行上述订单。

    We hereby request you to open by cable an irrevocable sight Letter of Credit for the amount of ... in our favor , with which we can execute the above order according to the original schedule .

  21. 并且,ERP通过MES,将计划信息、生产订单传送到各车间,车间能够按照订单进行生产。

    MES , ERP system can send the plan information , production orders to each workshop to enable the workshop can produce following the order .

  22. 采购管理系统获得企业ERP系统产生的采购计划,建立采购订单,通过网络及时与合适供应商建立联系。

    The procurement information systems obtain the purchase plan of enterprise resource plan ( ERP ), and set up order form . Vendors get information via network in time .

  23. 当你的生产由生产计划决定,销售订单部直接影响到生产,就可以选用这个策略。

    You should choose this strategy if you want production to be determined by a production plan ( Demand Management ) and if you do not want sales orders to influence production directly .

  24. 在德国,尽管旧车换现金计划已于9月份结束,但10月份新车登记量仍然增长了24%,因为符合计划的新车订单仍在发货中。

    In Germany , October new car registrations were up 24 per cent , though its scrappage scheme ran out in September , as cars ordered under the scheme are still being delivered .

  25. 可以对系统自动生成的生产计划、采购计划依据客户的优先级和交工日期进行计划调整。4.系统能够自动将生成的生产计划发至订单管理系统从而作为车间开工的指令。

    Can be automatically generated production plan , purchasing plan based on customers ' priority and date date plan adjustment . 4 . The system can automatic will create production plan hair to order management system , and so as a workshop of working instructions . 5 .