
  • 网络the basis of computer culture;fundamentals of computer culture;Computer Fundamentals
  1. 平台已应用于山东大学计算机基础教学,每年有60多位任课教师,7000多名学生,通过该平台完成大学计算机基础和计算机文化基础课程的网络教学和学习。

    The platform has always been used in the teaching and learning of computer fundamental courses in Shandong University . There are more than 60 teachers and 7000 undergraduate students to complete their teaching or learning of college computer fundamentals or computer culture fundamentals .

  2. 文章讨论构造一个基于Web方式的E-Learning教学系统“计算机文化基础电子教程”的设计与实现。

    This paper discusses how to design and implement the E-Learning teaching system based on web .

  3. 文章对基于Web的计算机文化基础考试系统进行了研究,并提出了一套完整的多种题型的基于Web考试实现方案。

    This paper researches into a computer basic knowledge testing system based on Web , and file a perfectly practicable plan that can implement a test involving some kinds of problems based on Web .

  4. 介绍了用WWW技术实现《计算机文化基础》远程考试系统的开发。

    This paper introduces WWW technique to realize the development of distant testing system for Computer Culture Foundation .

  5. 大学《计算机文化基础》PBL下教学资源平台的建设与研究

    The Research and Design for Teaching Resources Platform of the Computation Cultural Foundation in University Based on PBL

  6. 经过《计算机文化基础》、《VISUALFOXPRO6.0》和《网络基础》三门课程的多次正式考试测试,证明了系统是成功的,它在目前学校的常规教学活动中的应用价值是明显的。

    Through the process of the network exam within three courses it proves this exam system is successful . These three courses are COMPUTER FOUNDATION , VISUAL FOXPRO 6 . 0 and NETWORK FOUNDATION . The exam system has distinct value in school 's daily teaching activity .

  7. 总之,基于智能ELP系统的计算机文化基础课程学习评价模式有助于促进学生和教师的全面发展,具有广阔的发展前景。

    In conclusion , learning evaluation mode of the computer culture basic course based on intelligent ELP system can promote student and teacher 's development and have a bright future .

  8. 关于提升非信息专业计算机文化基础教学绩效的策略分析

    Strategy Analysis of Enhancing Teaching Performance of Non-information Professionals Computer Culture

  9. 计算机文化基础机试自动阅卷研究

    Studying of Grading the Computer Culture Foundation Exam on Computer

  10. 利用校园网改进计算机文化基础课的教学

    The Improvement of Computer Culture Basis Teaching with University Network

  11. 计算机文化基础教学的研究与实践

    On Teaching the Course of Computer Culture Basics : Research and Practice

  12. 计算机文化基础多媒体教学课件的设计与制作

    Design of Multimedia Teaching Courseware of the Computer Cultural Basic

  13. 计算机文化基础是计算机基础教育的第一层次课程。

    Computer culture elements is the basic course in computer basic eduction .

  14. 基于活动理论的计算机文化基础课程教学设计

    Instructional Design Based on Computer Culture Course of Activity Theory

  15. 《计算机文化基础》课程与人才培养探讨

    An inquiry into the Training of Applied Talents of Basic Computer Knowledge

  16. 网络环境下的多元化立体计算机文化基础课程教学模式

    Multi-dimensional Teaching Mode of Computer Base Course In Network Environment

  17. 计算机文化基础课程改革试点理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of the Basic Computer Culture Course Reform

  18. 《计算机文化基础》远程考试系统的开发

    Development of Distant Testing System for Computer Culture Foundation

  19. 《计算机文化基础》课程新型教学法的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of New Type Teaching Method about Computer Culture Basic Course

  20. 计算机文化基础教学改革初探

    On the Teaching Reform of Computer Culture Foundation Course

  21. 计算机文化基础公共课教学模式改革的探索

    Research on the Reformation of Teaching Model for Public Curriculum of Computer Culture

  22. 我院《计算机文化基础》课程建设与改革

    Curriculum Construction and Reform in the Computer Culture Course

  23. 《计算机文化基础》教学思考与探讨

    " Basic Computer Literacy " Teaching Thinking and Discussion

  24. 谈计算机文化基础课的教学改革

    On the teaching reform of computer culture base course

  25. 以学生为主体,深化《计算机文化基础》课教改的思考

    Regard Student as Main Body , Deepen Reform of Computer Culture Courses Teaching

  26. 组合电教媒体,改善计算机文化基础课的教学

    Combining E-education Media to Improve the Teaching of Basic General Knowledge Course on Computer

  27. 计算机文化基础课程的改革构想

    Reform Proposal on Basic Course of Computer Culture

  28. 关于培养学生学好计算机文化基础课程的教学探讨

    The teaching exploration of how to cultivate students to learn the basic knowledge of computer

  29. 《计算机文化基础》网络教学平台的设计

    On the Design of Network Teaching Platform for " Basic Course of Computer Culture "

  30. 浅议高校计算机文化基础课程教学

    The Discuss of Colleges Computer Literacy Teaching