
  1. 人文教育:小学语文课程与教学论的精神主旨

    Humanities Education : the Spiritual Thrust of Primary Language Curriculum and Teaching Theory

  2. “小学语文课程与教学论”学科建设与教学改革

    Discipline Construction and Teaching Reform of The Primary Chinese Curriculum and Its Teaching Theory

  3. 然而笔者通过资料搜集发现,学界缺乏对语文课程与教学论教材系统的、全面的研究和探讨。

    However , we found that academics lack the comprehensive study and discussion on it after data collection work .

  4. 新课程背景下小学语文课程与教学论课程体系的改革构想

    The Reform Conception of the Course System " Primary Language Curriculum and Teaching Pedagogy " in the Background of the New Curriculum

  5. 较多关注的是高师语文课程与教学论的学科建设和课程改革方面以及对某一本或多本语文课程与教学论教材的评介。

    Most people put their attention to the construction of the subject of Chinese curriculum and instruction theory 、 curriculum reform and the review of one ore more textbooks .

  6. 近现代以来,伴随着语文课程与教学论学科的发展,中学语文课程与教学论教材不断的进步,积累了大量的经验。

    In the modern time , along with the development of the subject of Chinese curriculum and instruction theory , the textbooks continuous change and accumulated a wealth of experience .

  7. 小学语文课程与教学论在学科性质、内容及课程论、教学论等几方面均体现出其精神主旨&人文教育。

    Primary teaching theory and language courses in disciplinary nature , content and curriculum theory and other aspects are reflected in the spirit of thrust & education in the humanities .

  8. 准确把握小学语文课程与教学论的精神主旨,将有助于我们在新世纪新课程背景下形成全新的教师教育理念、开展全新的教师教育工作、培养全新的小学教师。

    Accurately primary language curriculum and teaching theory spiritual thrust of the new century will help us in the context of a new curriculum and new teachers educational philosophy , education for new teachers and training new teachers .

  9. 语文课程单独设科以来,曲折向前发展,语文审美教育逐渐受到各方面的关注,成为语文课程与教学论领域研究的热点问题。

    Since established as a separate division , the subject of Chinese has gone through a tortuous development ; its aesthetic education has gradually attracted the attention from all circles and become a hot issue in research fields of both Chinese course and teaching methodology .

  10. 探究语文教材文选系统的文化要体现语文学科的特点,应以相关理论为指导,如语言学、教育文化学、语文课程与教学论、文学理论和文章学等理论。

    Exploring the culture in Chinese teaching should reflect the characteristics of the relevant theories as a guide , such as linguistics , pedagogy , curriculum and teaching of language and literature theory and the theory of the article .