
yǔ yán jiē chù
  • language contact
  1. 随着国际间政治、经济合作以及文化交流的愈加频繁,语言接触已不可避免,这就导致了语码转换的(code-switching)频繁发生。

    With the increase in international political and economic cooperation and cultural communication , language contact has become an unavoidable phenomenon , which results in the frequent occurrence of code-switching .

  2. 本文以语言接触理论为框架。

    This thesis takes the language contact theory as the framework .

  3. 试论中韩语言接触及中韩音韵关系

    On Language Contact and the Relationship between Chinese and Korean Phonology

  4. 从语言接触看汉语影响新加坡英语

    From the Linguistic-contact , Look Chinese Affects the Singapore Colloquial English

  5. 它往往建立在语言接触基础上。

    It is often established on the basis of language contact .

  6. 西域语言接触概说

    A Brief Account of Contacts of Different Languages in Western Regions

  7. 文化接触、语言接触引发美国英语演变。

    American English changes resulted from culture contact and language contact .

  8. 民族接触首先是语言接触。

    Language contact comes first in the course of national contact .

  9. 语言接触所产生的蒙古族直系血亲亲属称谓词地区差异

    Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact

  10. 新疆是个语种丰富、语言接触频繁、形式多样的地区。

    Xinjiang is a place with many different languages and language contacts .

  11. 早期英汉词典所见之语言接触现象

    The Phenomenon of Language Contact in the Early English - Chinese Dictionaries

  12. 外来词的产生是语言接触的普遍现象。

    The occurrence of loanwords is a common phenomenon of language contact .

  13. 民族交往导致语言接触。

    The communication among nations always result in language contact .

  14. 论语言接触对苗瑶语语序类型的影响

    On the Influence of Language Contact on the Typological Word-Order in Miao Language

  15. 翻译是语言接触的一种特殊形式。

    Translation is one special form of language contact .

  16. 借用现象在语言接触中是一种普遍的现象,因为任何一种语言都不是孤立的。

    The phenomenon of borrowing is universal , for no language is isolated .

  17. 语言接触与语言变化的社会&心理语言学研究

    A Socio-psycholinguistic Approach to Language Contact and Language Change

  18. 语言接触是不断发展的,决不会保持原封不动的状态。

    The language contact continually develops and does not keep its original condition .

  19. 不过随着语言接触的深入,语法也会受到影响并产生变化。

    The grammar is also affected and changed as the lingual contact deepened .

  20. 语言接触中的汉语青海方言词

    Qinghai Dialect Words of Chinese in the Language Contact

  21. 语码转换是由语言接触所产生的一种现象。

    Code-switching is a phenomenon arising from language contacts .

  22. 语码转换是语言接触现象的重要产物之一。

    Code-switching is one of the important language-contact phenomena .

  23. 文化接触、语言接触与美国英语演变的类型和机制

    Culture Contact , Language Contact and the Types and Mechanisms of American English Change

  24. 新时期中外语言接触特点述评

    Comments on the Characteristics between Chinese and Foreign Language Contacts in the New Period

  25. 浅谈中外语言接触、文化融合与和谐文化建构

    On Chinese and Foreign Language Contact , Cultural Mergence and Establishment of Harmonious Culture

  26. 羌汉语言接触形成的一组同源汉字

    A Group of Chinese Cognate Words from Language Contact of Ethnic Qiang and Han

  27. 伴随着语言接触和文化交流,语言借用普遍存在。

    Where there is language contact and cultural communications , there is linguistic borrowing .

  28. 促进语言接触的因素是社会接触,即民族交往。

    The language contact is mainly influenced by social factors and interaction between nations .

  29. 语言接触研究述评

    A Survey of the Study of Language Contact

  30. 由于地理位置和语言接触,少数韵母表现出差异。

    Due to geographical location and language contact , a few final show difference .