
  • 网络china standardization;China Standards
  1. 中国标准化五十年回顾与展望(1)

    50 Years History and the Future of China Standardization ( 1 );

  2. WTO/TBT与中国标准化法

    WTO / TBT and China Standardization Law

  3. 加入WTO后中国标准化面临的新课题

    The new task after joining WTO

  4. 简明勾画出:峥嵘岁月中枝繁叶茂的百年IEC的三部曲与中国标准化的曲折。

    The trilogy of blooming IEC and the complication of standardization of China in centennial eventful years are briefly drawn .

  5. 此外,还将讨论美国与中国标准化体系的一般政策问题。

    Generic policy implications will be discussed both for the US and the Chinese standardization systems .

  6. 国内外形势的发展变化,对中国标准化工作也提出了新的战略需求。

    Domestic and international development changes contribute to propose new strategic requirements to China standardization career .

  7. 结果表明,经改进的软件能很好地适应中国标准化管道布置设计。

    The results showed that the improved software is suited to the piping layout design standard of China .

  8. 中国标准化考试的死去与活来&标准化考试的政策性分析

    The Dying and Reviving of the Standard Tests in China & Analysis on Standardized Tests from the Perspective of Policy

  9. 张晓刚是国际钢铁协会副主席及中国标准化专家委员会委员。

    Zhang is a vice chairman of the World Steel Association and a member of the China Standardization Expert Committee .

  10. 最后在此基础上提出了些许思考,希望能对中国标准化工作的发展有所帮助。

    At the end , several questions and thoughts are raised on the basis of researches of the paper to offer reference to the standardization development in China .

  11. 中国标准化考试的马拉松不仅提高了公众的文化水平和政府的控制力,还造就了世界上最可怕的考试达人。

    China 's treadmill of standardized tests has produced , along with high levels of literacy and government control , some of the world 's most scarily proficient test-takers .

  12. 中国标准化管理委员会高官邱月明称目前中国的检测标准与国际标准有差距,导致产品在海外市场销售受挫。

    Qiu yueming , a senior official with the Standardization Administration of china , said the countrys test standards lagged behind international practice , leading to failed testing results on overseas markets .

  13. 到目前为止,由中国标准化研究院发布的相关产品能效标准已经达到19个,通过家电企业的努力,我国各类家电产品的能效水平都有不同程度的提高。

    So far , the standards of energy efficiency-related products have reached 19 released by the China National Institute of Standardization . All kinds of levels of energy efficiency improvement happened through the efforts of household electrical appliance enterprises .

  14. WTO与中国国家标准化战略:一个基本的理论分析框架

    WTO and National Standardization Strategy : A Basic Theoretical Analysis Framework

  15. 如果政府指导下的中国通信标准化协会(ChinaCommunicationsStandardsAssociation)制定的新标准得到批准,拟议中的法规就有可能强制要求手机生产商配合中国政府识别用户身份并跟踪他们对应用软件的使用。

    If new standards put forth by the government-guided China Communications Standards Association are approved , the law could force handset makers to cooperate with China 's government to identify customers and track their app use .

  16. NGKC的另外一个目标是在中国提供标准化、公开化的犬赛制度。

    Another goal for NGKC is to provide standardized , published rules for competitions throughout China .

  17. 2006年8月18日,中国国家标准化管理委员会正式发布了我国的数字电视地面广播国家标准GB20600-2006,该标准自2007年8月1日起开始强制实施。

    The Standardization Administration of China published the Chinese National Standard GB 20600-2006 on Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting on August 18 , 2006 . The standard has been mandatory since August 1 , 2007 .

  18. 中国物流标准化发展概况

    Survey on Standardization of Develop " Logistics " in China

  19. 中国物流标准化现状与对策建议

    Present Situations and Corresponding Proposals of Logistics Normalization in China

  20. 论中国农业标准化体系的建立与完善

    On Establishing and Improving Agricultural Standardization System in China

  21. 中国超导标准化工作的进展

    Standardization work in the field of superconductivity in China

  22. 中国农业标准化实施模式与途径研究&农业标准化案例与运行机制

    Model Implementation Approaches to Agricultural Standardization in China Cases Study of Agricultural Standardization for Mechanism Analysis

  23. 中国通信标准化协会信息

    China Communications Standards Association Information

  24. 分析中国农业标准化生产现状,发现其中存在的问题,提出与农业信息技术结合是解决问题的途径之一。

    The status of agriculture standardization production in China was analyzed in this paper , so were the application status and existing problems of agriculture expert system in agriculture standardization production .

  25. AVS-REL是由中国音视频标准化工作组(AVS)提出的一种基于XML的权限描述语言,它描述了数字内容使用时相关的权利、约束和义务等。

    AVS-REL is an XML-based right expression language which is proposed by Audio Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China .

  26. 目的建立中国昆明小鼠标准化生物学指标。

    Objective To establish the standard biological indexes of KM mice .

  27. 中国工程建设标准化理念战略输出浅探

    Research on strategic export about ideology of engineering construction standards

  28. 中国锂电池标准化的研究与展望

    Lithium Battery Standardization Research Work and Its Development in China

  29. 中国面条的标准化实验室制作与评价方法研究

    Standardization of Laboratory Processing of Chinese White Salted Noodle and Its Sensory Evaluation System

  30. 结论上述结果为中国昆明小鼠标准化提供可靠数据。

    Conclusion The results above could provide a reliable data for the standardization of KM in China .